Hello, i have a problem with singning in. I made an account with my facebook, and can log in by tipping my username and password, but when playing kingdom rush (alredy logged in) and I try to log in at the game, I put my account username and password, without mistakes, and it tells me is wrong! help pls, i don't wanna lose all my game data
Hm. One thing to rule out is that your (name and?) password don't feature diacritics (ä and ü and ø and the likes), which apparently the system can't accept. See also http://armorgames.com/community/thread/11880341/solved-login-dont-work-and-save/ .
hello sir i have a problem at skyshard heroes he's username is bibald, and he's always using the chat to bully others, pls help us we are afraid on cyber bully he bullied anyone and me so pls let him ban on the game.