ForumsSupport Forum[MAIN THREAD] Black Screen <- Read Last Comment

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7 posts

even i changed from Chrome to firefox, the games still show black for me,

Black screen for every single game on

I noticed some comments saying the same problem, guess i'm not the only one

  • 221 Replies
48 posts

Hmmm... so since AG isn't coming up with a solution to having you access content that would earn them revenue, that's because all they care about is having you access content that would earn them revenue, right? I see... I think :|

It's the difference between an "ad-supported gaming site," and a "gaming-supported advertising site," IMHO.

As far as I know, Google ads is pretty much a take-it-or-leave-it kind of scheme, i don't think websites have all that much say in tweaking what's in there or not, or hence its finer behavior.

I agree it probably is that way, but there should still be something AG could do, site-side, to eventually bypass it.
1 posts

If you refresh the page a few times, does it start working? Or even if you refresh a dozen times, it's the same result. SAME RESULT
-Where are you playing from. Home, work, school? HOME
-Which browsers have you tried? IE AND CHROME
-Is this for all games, or some games? ALL GAMES
-What anti-virus, firewall, security software do you currently have installed? IE FIREWALL, TREND ANTI-VIRUS
-Can you access and watch YouTube videos normally? YES
-What region are you located in? USA (TEXAS)
-When did these problems start happening? 12-11-13
-When there is a black screen, do you hear anything or is it silent? SILENT
-Can you play MMOs on our website? HAVEN'T TRIED
-Is your internet connection direct to the wall, or is it going through a router of some sort? DIRECT
-Do you use any sort of ad blocking software? NO
This site was working just fine yesterday, then today black screen. I have updated everything I need to update with no change.

1,417 posts

Black screen - no more

Watch video: click here

Description can be found there also!

1,299 posts

unfortunately there is not a sure fire solution, as there are different browsers and operating systems at play. I myself am on a vista system using Ice Dragon, the solution that worked for me was rolling back to an older version of flash. Also on my older XP machine I recently found that they are pulling support for that OS HERE

1,417 posts

I know, I wrote about it earlier. Check a few pages back.

There is a problem on the route NEW Adobe flash player and NEW Youtube, there is some conflict in the buffering, and it seems that there are some other possible incompatibilities.

The latest stable version of Adobe flash player is possible solution for Firefox!
For Chrome also, but it works great with pepperflash enabled and Adobe Flash player disabled.

I've done many .... many tests on different operating systems while using various Web Browsers, and all other variables. It would take me 10 pages to publish all the results.

Therefore, to cut down a long story

Sometimes you need to improvise in order to solve a problem, new - updated does not necessarily mean better safer.

I learned this when I used operating system DOS a long time ago

48 posts

Black screen - no more

Watch video: click here

Description can be found there also!

So....with YouTube blocked the solution can be found in a YouTube video? :P I'll have to watch it tonight. Hope it's something other than "mess with your plugins, permissions, or operating system to get around YouTube ads."
48 posts

The latest stable version of Adobe flash player is possible solution for Firefox!
For Chrome also, but it works great with pepperflash enabled and Adobe Flash player disabled.[/quote]

IF that's the problem, it still doesn't solve the issue for those who don't have total control over their systems. (work, school, libraries, etc.) It's merely a workaround, and IF there are those problems with the systems, it would seem logical that AG should disable them until the problems are fixed. [/wishful thinking]

1,417 posts


I told you already,your case is different. You really do not have any problems with flash player, java, ad-blocker or anything else. The reason why you can not play games *(with youtube ads) lies in the settings of your local network.

As you said, that computer is at your work,you do not have full control of that computer,and you have certain restrictions. One of those restrictions is the blockade of Youtube web-site.

You should talk with your local network administrator If you really want to solve the problem. You can start with,for example, I'd like to use my spare time in watching videos from youtube,Can you enable this for me, please?
Or something like that,and maybe you will succeed. Who knows? If you do not try,you'll never know where you stand.

10 posts

-If you refresh the page a few times, does it start working? Or even if you refresh a dozen times, it's the same result. No
-Where are you playing from. Home, work, school? Home
-Which browsers have you tried? Firefox, Chrome, IE
-Is this for all games, or some games? All
-What anti-virus, firewall, security software do you currently have installed? Norton
-Can you access and watch YouTube videos normally? Yes
-What region are you located in? SW USA
-When did these problems start happening? About a month ago.
-When there is a black screen, do you hear anything or is it silent? Silent
-Can you play MMOs on our website? NO
-Is your internet connection direct to the wall, or is it going through a router of some sort? Direct.
My problem is a bit different. The ads play just fine, but then I get the black screen. I have tried the solution offere previously; It does NOT work.
-Do you use any sort of ad blocking software?

10 posts

Oh great. It cut off the last answer, which is no.

48 posts


I told you already,your case is different. You really do not have any problems with flash player, java, ad-blocker or anything else. The reason why you can not play games *(with youtube ads) lies in the settings of your local network.

As you said, that computer is at your work,you do not have full control of that computer,and you have certain restrictions. One of those restrictions is the blockade of Youtube web-site.

You should talk with your local network administrator If you really want to solve the problem. You can start with,for example, I'd like to use my spare time in watching videos from youtube,Can you enable this for me, please?
Or something like that,and maybe you will succeed. Who knows? If you do not try,you'll never know where you stand.

And as I've said before, what I'm looking for is a solution, not a workaround.

To me, a solution must come in one of two ways. Either the Administrators around the world at workplaces, schools, and libraries stop blocking content (specifically YouTube), or AG provides that eventual bypass to the blocked ads.

Now, as for asking my Administrators to unblock the content....that's not going to happen. They don't take issue with the few hundred kilobytes or the occasional few megabytes I may load or download by free-time internet traffic, but their focus is NOT on keeping me on task, but keeping their bandwidth at a manageable level. This means that ALL streaming sites are blocked. YouTube, Pandora, etc. Not for worker productivity, but for bandwidth. As an adult, I understand this. I'm not going to interfere with it. I also see the need for schools, libraries, and the like to monitor their content.

The issue here is NOT that Administrators are blocking content. That's their job. It's going to happen, and it's only going to get worse, never better. I think everyone should accept it as an inevitability. Welcome to the world of adults. I'm not going to endanger my job by asking for them to fix something that isn't their fault.

Rather, the real issue as I see it is the inflexibility on the part of Google Ads, and the [so far] inability or unwillingness for Armor Games to adapt to it.

I suggested the long bypass timer to render the "choice blockers" irrelevant. You put a 2 minute timer on a bypass, and they'll unblock those ads REAL quick. The folks that Armor Games is flipping off are those who can not unblock those ads.

To me, any workaround 1) will not work given our non-admin status, 2) is irrelevant, and 3) sidesteps the actual issue.

So one last time, because I'm tired of repeating myself , I will say that AG needs to provide a solution to this problem, or just flat out say, "screw you, if you can't watch our ads, you're no good to us and can't play our games." No other result will satisfy me.
1,299 posts

their focus is NOT on keeping me on task, but keeping their bandwidth at a manageable level.

then casually bring it up in discussion

I'm not going to endanger my job

I don't think it is a good idea to use AG as a martyr because...

asking for them to fix something that isn't their fault.
48 posts

then casually bring it up in discussion

I don't know how many times I can say it, or how much clearer I can be: IT. IS. NOT. AN. OPTION. At least not for me, and from what I know of IT folks, their sympathies don't go far, so I wouldn't count on that argument working with many Admins. I would greatly encourage everyone to stop suggesting it.

I don't think it is a good idea to use AG as a martyr because...[quote]asking for them to fix something that isn't their fault.
It most certainly IS their fault that the YouTube ads don't have eventual bypasses. Or it's at least their fault for using Google Ads, which amounts to the same thing.

And they're not martyrs. Martyrs sacrifice. They'd be martyrs if they cut their own revenue by removing Google Ads to fix this issue. What I'm using them for is a justified point for blame.
1,299 posts

lol you CANT casually bring it up in discussion because of this reason

I'm not going to endanger my job

enough said.

And they're not martyrs. Martyrs sacrifice.

they would be sacrificing the whole site by eliminating their source of revenue
48 posts

they would be sacrificing the whole site by eliminating their source of revenue

I'm not saying they should eliminate the ads, that's just an example of what it would take for them to be martyrs. I already suggested a long delay bypass as a practical solution.

However, it'd hardly be eliminating their revenue. They lasted for how many years without Google Ads? YouTube has been blocked for me all that time. Yet I still played here, and they got ad revenue from me. Other ads still load fine, the problem is this mandatory, high-bandwidth ad service they're now with. I'm not saying it's greed, because I don't know AG's financials, but I know enough of how upper management of companies work to know that if Google Ads is throwing enough money at them, they're likely not going to care as much about the few people they abandon for it.

The fact that my arguments don't get responded to by the Admins leads me to believe that the site has no intention of fixing the problem, and that it must affect so few users that they don't even see it as one. Flipping off those of us without a choice in the matter, and forcing us away to other sites simply mustn't affect their bottom line enough. I wish I was wrong. I still hope I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.

It looks like I'll be playing GemCraft Chapter 2 when it comes to Kongregate, around April, instead of January when it comes here. Been waiting 2 years for it, so what's another 3 months? Not that it matters, I'm just one of few out of millions, and I'm not a big community member. I won't be missed, but I leave my disappointment here for others to see. This whole thread may one day be a stain of shame for AG, and I hope it's learned from.
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