Hi! And thanks for making such a nice game - Kingdom Rush I've done it and wanted to play additional missions, but for some reason it's unavailable for me. See this screenshot: http://prntscr.com/1uelvpIt says I must complete the game to play this mission, but I can't start it even after I earned all types of victory on every mission.Is it an error or I must get Premium content? As I understood some of these missions should be available for those who just completed the game.Thanks!
Sorry, the first screenhot seems broken, here's another one: http://prntscr.com/1uentk
If I'm not mistaken, that level requires Premium Content to play. That's why you can't unlock it, even if it says "Complete the game to unlock Glacial Heights"
Perhaps Well, maybe it's good time to buy the game as some special "thanks" to developers Because it's really good!
Solved! Just bought Premium content and new missions have been unlocked: http://prntscr.com/1ukr6cThanks for the help
Excellent, glad you got that fixed. And thanks for supporting the game!
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