Wow, Niceguy878, I don't think I could disagree with your post more.
Republicans have gotten us involved in plenty of useless wars. Iraq never attacked the United States. In fact, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden hated each other. I don't know how you can say Democrats won't go to war. Maybe you forgot those little things called World War I (Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat), World War II (FDR was a Democrat), and Vietnam (Kennedy and Johnson). Even Clinton used the military against Sudan, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, and even Iraq. Democrats don't shy away from war when it's necessary, they shy away from wars that are pointless. Let's review countries that America has sent military forces against under Republicans. Iraq... yep, not being 9/11 and not capable of harming the US. Grenada... yep, ground invasion because we didn't like their government. Nicaragua... same as Grenada. The Democrats look to end the root causes of terrorism without unnecessary killing. The Republicans tend to pick on countries that can't defend themselves and get American men and women killed in the process.
Revenge: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Mahatma Ghandi said it best folks.
I suppose you'd also be surprised to note that the DVA has had it's funding CUT under the current administration? and the last Democratic administration raised benefits for veterans?
If I HAD to choose a party, I'd have to go with the (defunct) American Fascist Party. Otherwise, I'm an independent. The 2-party system is fucking retarded.
I support the democrates. I am pro-choice and would like Obama to win the election! I think he would make so good choices. He will lead this country to our finest hour! He also thinks we should evacuate the troops from Iraq! I agree with him! I think we have done enough for Iraq! I think now they need time to try and run the country themselves! What do YOU think? Post your reply on my page!
isn't socialism economic idealism? i wouldn't think that to be...thought of as your main party what's the deal with you necroing threads? capitalist conservative, whole fam is
You apparently have never heard of the Socialist Party...
Well...I don't support any school of belief is Fascism....NOT NAZISM NOTE. Not willing to explain why I believe in it....Too many people just kept screwing me...
Nahh jk. I remember you Nich, I was on "Communist" waaay back when.....