Read the first chapter, which is an entery. Post if you want to join, and disscuse about it.
Rules: 1) no spoilers! (Even that this book dont have any, every chapter is a diffrunte story, please dont post behind the weekly chapter) 2) As mentioned abouve, we disscuse every week about a spesific chapter. We are all proud of you if you can read the entire book in that week (and you can, its an awsome book), but lets calm our horses. 3) DONT MENTION THE MOVIE. It dosent exist. And have nothing to do with the book.
Now, please read the seconde chapter up to the 15/10 (10/15), monday. Feel free to discuse the entery meanwhile.
The chinese doctor is chapter 2 for say. Now we talk about the entery.
Have you ever read a book in that format?because this one is quite new to my by it shape.
And i love how he say "its thier story. I tried to remain invisble." While the movie do the opposite. And oops, i broke my own rule. Well we wont discuise the movie anymore. I didnt watched it.
For someone who's such a fan of reading and books, you might want to get a spell check. Seriously, one of the most basic rules of grammar is that 'i's by themselves are always capitalized, and that the first letter of a sentence must always be capitalized as well.
It was a great book by the way, already read twice so I'll pass on the challenge.
This is one of my favorite chapters. It teach you alot and have a very cool background. You feel the story. And its not like a "normal" begining. Its like there is a missing chapter befor it, which explaine what are these Z heads are. You are thrown to the book reality.