Well first of all welcome back to the site. Much has changed if you have been gone for a few years.
Ok so about the site format it has changed to have a more fresh appearance. The staff has added a forum search box into the forums just above the threads. Tags have been added to games and it gives a more precise way to look for games. You can now click search on the search box when it's empty to get 100 random games. There is a ? mark next to the misc tab that sends you to a random game. And one of the biggest changes is that AP is no longer on the site and quests are now here. (The quests tab next to the ? by misc)
Some new mods have been enlisted (Reton8, kegaumongo) and Moegreche is now a mod again.
I'm not sure what else has changed but there is probably much more.
I know of that fact because I might have been a key player in it becoming so. Maybe just a small piece of the puzzle. Like really tiny. I, in no way, was the major voice that really pushed it to become so...no sir not at all.
As for OP...in terms of the mod..ModDayCee was also added, and Nemo has left.
welcome back, i myself am getting back into this site, i used to be active all day everyday from the day i signed up until 2011 or 2012 where i just stopped coming for a while. but now im active almost daily again. so enjoy your stay back, things are always being updated.
If you've been gone since mid-2010, there's a lot more that's changed since you've been gone. Freakenstein and MRWalker82 weren't even mods at that time.
Moderators Cenere, Asherlee, and most recently NoNameC68 have since retired from their positions, and gave developers/admins John, joeybetz, and Tony have left the AG staff team.
Ferret is our newest community manager. Carlie left quite some time ago, and was replaced by cormyn, who also left a number of years ago.
There's plenty more that I'll update you on once my nostalgia-block clears.
I can't say everything that is new in the site, because quite frankly, it would take too long and I am too lazy to. But here is an over view
- We have a new Administrator. His name is Ferret.
- AG has a new rustic look to it.
- Ernie and Skel left AG but came back from the dead.
- AP has been destroyed and the new ranking system is "Quests" which are achieved via unlocking achievements in flash games.
That's all the important information to be honest. Ohh, and AG3 shall not launch. But it's "features" will be mixed in with AG2. Something to look forward to!