After a long journey, since the beggining of 2009, I was a quite active member in AG. But yet it seem that my Post number was still small.
In the last few mounth, thanks to my millitary service (I realy work hard!!! Not joking! The fact that my post count got higher during this period is just a... well screw you) and a smart phone which enable me to stay online far away from home, let me finaly be much more active, almost 24 hours a day (Im not addict. I can stop whenever i want).
So here it is. My 1000 post. Wow im so exited!
I want to thank armor games for a great site, may we get even larger and better as time pass!
I also want to thank this wonderfull community. You guys are awsome. I feel i can literaly talk with you about everything, fron books to forum games to silly spam threads like this. You guys deserve a cookie. And not these old ones R2 left everywher. You guys are the best.
There are only 5 people on this entire site that can say they have the most of anything (games rated, comments, posts, games submitted, merits) out of anybody here. Four if there are people tied for games rated. I am proud to say I am one of those four or five.
I am not proud to say that I'm the guy with the most comments out of anybody in AG history.
I was actually the first of the, as Sal put it, "twelvers" to reach said milestone.
I beat all of the twelvers that year, finishing with about 1,500-1,700 total posts that year alone. But I'm an eighter, and I still have about 8,700 posts left (or 1 SSTG) to beat that record.
Knight_34 lose it all in the stock market crash eh? =/
Have you ever tried to play polo with seven players? Someone would have to be on both teams at the same time. We just can't have that. If knight isn't willing to show up to the forums, he's not invited to our polo match.
Well, here go the forums... these 10k+ers are ruining armor games! With there merits and kindness and willing to help, general knowledge and manners...