ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Can't play any games: IE has stopped working

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47 posts

Whenever I try to play a game, Internet Explorer stops working, or doesn't load the page. Same thing happens with Firefox.

I don't know why this happens, but I really would appreciate help...

  • 20 Replies
47 posts

Also forgot to say that it worked fine a while ago...

124 posts

Does this happen with every single game?

I'd recommend trying out Chrome and see how it works.

774 posts

Make sure flash player is up to date.

9,323 posts

Yes, I'd also recommend Chrome. Make sure your javascript and Flash Player are up to date like Boppins suggested. If you're at school/work, also this could be a firewall or security software issue.

574 posts
Grand Duke

It seems like an apparent thing that IE just doesn't work. Maybe there can be just a thread on this. Since i have seen this problem so many times.

Google for latest flash i think it is like 11.2. With Firefox and chrome are the 2 i use and they are the best browsers. If the flash wasn't up-to date the game screen would have a thing telling you normally? Not sure on this site but i know when i got a new comp it happened on a few things.

I would suggest if it your 1st time using another browser to use Google. It is on the website and i think is sorted out with all this stuff.

1,315 posts

? My games work fine both in Internet Explorer and in Firefox.

Ergo, I don't think the problem lies with them.

Each browser has its pros and cons, it's a little rash to say browser x is the best.

More likely indeed you will be blocking something, or have your system otherwise misconfigured to properly play online flash games. As Ferret says, if you're on a system guarded by someone else (e.g., your parents, or a system administrator at school or work or some other public machine, as in a cyber cafe or so) they may have it set to block given material, probably intentionally so but perhaps inadvertently, there'd be nothing for it but to get them to unblock it. Small chance and if it is intentional at say school or at work, I'd guess.

To look at these blocking issues yourself on a machine under your control, some thoughts of mine are here and onwards. Note they are open to correction.

Re: One's FlashPlayer being up to date, it should normally be set to keep itself updated, though it can't hurt to look at its settings to see if indeed it does (there'll be a button to look for the latest udate then-and-there while you're at it, no need to search for it on the web).* There may be a short interval between a new update being released and it actually being downloaded and installed (as in it may only check once a week or perhaps month or so -- see if you can bring this back to more often), but I'd say this should rarely if ever cause any great issues. It's not like that previous version will be suddenly way outmoded, during that week or so that it may take your FlashPlayer to download it.

* It is however possible that this download itself then gets blocked. You'd then need to look into that. I seem to remember in IE I needed to allow pop-up windows or somesuch for the Adobe (FlashPlayer) site for it to work. Perhaps allow ActiveX-controls for that page/site, stuff like that.

A first thing to look for is always if you have any ad blockers or other content control programs running, and look at their settings to figure out if they may be blocking something, see also those further thoughts of mine I just pointed to. Firefox has the option to restart with add-ons temporarily disabled (under >Help), which is handy to see at a glance if the issue may lie there. Checking a few different browsers is always a good idea, at least to see if the issue persists, but I take it you already did and anyway there's no reason why your games at ArmorGames shouldn't work in Firefox, nor then in IE, for that matter. Except then for your browser's finer settings blocking them, and/or those of the machine or network you're on.


1,315 posts


and anyway there's no reason why your games at ArmorGames shouldn't work in Firefox, nor then in IE, for that matter.

An exception here in Internet Explorer, in my experience, would be MMO (massive multiplayer online) games. I never could get these to properly run in IE, if at all.

My theory so far is it's because if I recall IE blocks cross-domain access by default, a good thing in and of itself, however since these MMO's will be hosted not at sites like ArmorGames, but in fact on their own servers, I reckon you precisely do need cross-domain access for them.

Nor then do I know of any way in IE to neatly control this on a per-site basis. In short, to play MMO's, I would advise trying out some other browsers.
1,315 posts

... Then always a pps ,

Whenever I try to play a game, Internet Explorer stops working, or doesn't load the page. Same thing happens with Firefox.

What precisely do you mean by "stops working"? If your whole browser or system freezes up and stops responding, I'd say chances are you need to look into a new machine, or to boost your machine for the time being if it's worth it, by adding RAM probably. A good and friendly (second-hand) retailer should be able to advise you here.

It having worked previously may then simply be a matter of the web demanding ever more of our machines, and so what once worked no longer may, even if ostensibly it all looks the same to you. I do know the standard 512 Mb RAM of yore (many machines far from antique will be outfitted with it still) just no longer cuts it, while 1Gb RAM (i.e., double it) so far seems to get me by alright. Provided of course your machine is otherwise up for that, it's a constellation of various specs. And as long as that may last me, of course; I suspect in fact not very long. Compared to modern machines, it's still peanuts. (And surely to play the latest of slick game discs, I suspect quite a bit more may be required!)
41 posts

I have found this to be helpful to find out whether you have the most up-to-date Flash version for your browser and operating system.

41 posts

Not sure why my link got split. Let's try it at the end of the post

47 posts

What precisely do you mean by "stops working"?

It gives me this message: Mozilla Firefox has stopped working and needs to close.

My computer has more than enough RAM.
Here are my Specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz
RAM: 4x2 GB (Total 8 GB RAM)
Graphics Card: Radeon HD6450 1GB DDR3

As you can see, it's most probably not my system that's the problem here.

@SpearAndSword, Boppins and Ferret: My flash player is already up to date.

Oh, and I also noticed that it usually happens when I scroll up/down...
47 posts

Seems that the last site update has fixed my problem!
Thanks everyone for the support. ^_^

41 posts

What site update and did you do anything? My IE still crashes with Cursed Treasure 2.

9,323 posts

Maybe try updating Java? This isn't a browser issue related to Armor Games, it's something more specific with your computer - otherwise this thread would be a very busy one.

41 posts

Well, I'm on Win7 with Java 6 - I don't know if I need Java 7.

Does anyone else have this configuration and is able to run Cursed Treasure 2?

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