I know what the "issue" here is...see, bingu mostly posts in the Forum Games section, but is a new member of the forums and because of this is unaware that the section actually used to not count towards forum posts.
A few months ago..this was changed after a glitch resulted in it counting to towards post count..and after a few users (myself included) made an argument to keep it so, the section was changed to count towards post count (along with Newcomers).
It seems that the section has been changed back to not count towards post count. I see this as a good thing, to be honest..but others may view it differently.
It seems that the section has been changed back to not count towards post count. I see this as a good thing, to be honest..but others may view it differently.
Yep... my screen shows 156 now. But when I posted the "test" thingy, it was still 153 posts.
Even though they already said it..I'm just going to say it with more confidence =p
It does in fact take a bit to update. Whenever you make a post and the screen refreshes to show that post, you won't see the post count move up with it. In fact, even if you immediately go to profile it will still take a bit to show up there as well. Maybe like a minute or so.
I just found indisputable proof that Forum Games no longer provide posts. A new user named Vemilon currently has a post count of 0 despite posting twice in this thread, which is in Forum Games.
I can confirm, forum games does not add to post count. This should be no surprise to anybody on the site historically, as it didn't for a long, long time.