So I've run into a really weird and annoying issue.
I've previously experienced games just refusing to load up or freezing in the load, most typically without the window/iframe/div (whatever it is, haven't been bothered to check) not loading the game properly and thus just causing an empty white box (after flicking or staying black for a short while).
Here's the weird part of my annoying issue: I played it earlier today and there's been no changes to hardware or software on the computer!
OK so, after refreshing (for like the billionth time and like 15 minutes wasted looking around on the forums), it has started loading! Insanely slowly!
Yaaay? I'm not sure, I just honestly don't get how some of the games behave like this.
Inconsistent loading just frustrates users :\\ Especially if you have some saved game you want to progress on but can't because "oh well, guess we can't load your game right now!". But at least it's loading!