ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Commercials vs addblockers

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7 posts

Commercials vs addblockers. this is for armorgames to think about. Or people using addblockers to get rid of the commercials, or you just quit the **** commercials. either way you won't get rich from it . Besides you can earn money with something else. ea: mmo items etc. don't be this hard on your users to make them install addblockers, just friggin think about it. it's annoying for most of the players that are brainless and don't know about the addblockers.

  • 5 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Commercials vs addblockers. this is for armorgames to think about. Or people using addblockers to get rid of the commercials, or you just quit the **** commercials. either way you won't get rich from it . Besides you can earn money with something else. ea: mmo items etc. don't be this hard on your users to make them install addblockers, just friggin think about it. it's annoying for most of the players that are brainless and don't know about the addblockers.

Then I guess it's too bad for the players? It seems like they actually are earning money from it, since it's been this way for years.

It's a one off install. What's so problematic about it? The commercials aren't that irritating when you think about it, the in-game ones just shave off your game time by what, a dozen seconds?
7 posts

i dont have problems with my add blocker. but there are more ways to get income, ea in game items. feel free to buy, but commercials EACH time i go to a friggin movie, a game, whatever, it comes with the so called "you really cry about 10 secs movie" commercials. yes i do find this annoying. poll this on the site, how many users % find this annoying and want some alternatives. gimme a friggin donate button, or as i said before> in game items you can buy. and people dont have to be ANNOYED cuz they want something else then being getting annoyed @ work @ familly @ whatever and they come to armorgames to have some fun.
Just don't advertise with small movies each time people want to start a game

*OR make it each day they "have to" watch ONE advertisement (*cookie!)
,and that's just a comprimise for if you REALLY WANT to get advertisements on your website(cuz other sites are doing that as well).

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

In game items tends to get more backlash. I would think that non-MMO games would not have any in-game items, because no one would buy them, hence they would be focused on MMOs. Two problems. One, mentioned already, is that most of the money will most likely go to the MMO creators, and not AG, because AG is merely hosting it. Secondly, because they create a gulf between players who can pay, and those who can't. Given that the majority of gamers here tend to cluster around youngsters, this doesn't seem possible.

You can try writing in to the AG staff to see if they can help you with it. They have removed some ads in the past if memory serves, but these were mostly ads that had unsuitable content. My own personal take is, too bad if a ten second delay pisses you off. It's a ten second delay, a small bit of sacrifice to be able to access the site for free. First world problems much?

7 posts

We can discuss this one endlessly (pro's cons etc), or leave it.

I come to armorgames for some fun.
and play games... and obviously watch some commercials. I say: consider some alternatives. I would really like to hit a donate button. No why's no whatever, people can think for themselves why they can donate and why the should.

or just stay put like any other friggin website and get the visitors annoyed by the 1000th commercial they have to watch.

It's a discussion that @ both sides would agree to, but it's risky to wait for donations and pay the bills.

7 posts

@ nichodemus, you are fully right though in your argumentation.
But I have to stand up against something... rebel without a ... you know

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