ForumsSupport ForumWartune Access problems

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Hi I'm posting here as a sort of last resort. Whenever I try to enter my server on Wartunes (Server 1 FYI) I get a message saying "The server at is taking too long to respond". This has been going on for about a week now, but checking this forum and the r2 forumes tells me that this isn't a widespread, systemic issue amongst a bunch of other players. I have, so far, tried: Using Firefox and Chrome. Doing a clean and absolute uninstall and reinstall of Flash and Java (I don't think Wartune uses Java, but just in case). Deleting browser history, cache, cookies, etc. from both Chrome and Firefox. Disabled Windows firewall. Nothing has worked.

What is most strange, though, is that if I select another server, it loads and take me to the new character creation screen. But I don't want a new character on a different server, I've made friends and spent money on the character in server 1. If anyone could help me out, I would be most grateful.

  • 2 Replies
1,315 posts

Hm. Their server 1 seems accessible from my end alright. Traffic appears to just go over ports 80 (http) and 8080, maybe 443 (https). Any chance you're blocking 8080?

Other than that, you say you've looked at their forums, but have you tried asking there? They should be closer to helping you fix it than ArmorGames is.

Good luck with it.

1,315 posts

ps Just a general question, to others, as well, is that regular behavior, that addressing another server leads to creating a whole new game? I'm not into MMO's, but that would appear rather silly.

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