But seems, this issue happen on me because 3rd party application that block AG.
Yes; the issue described there is something (usually an ad blocker, or other content filtering software) interfering with the Google ads here, that nowadays appear to call on (link back to) some YouTube material.
So if those applications, or something along your network, block your access to YouTube, you now can't load those ads, and so the game can't start after they've finished.
If those applications are under your control, have a look at their settings (or temporarily disable them; if the games now work, you'll know where the issue lies); or if they're not under your control (say on a public machine, at school or work or cybercafe or perhaps guarded by your parents or so), you'd have to get the people who do control it to look at it. E.g. at school or work, count on their not wanting you to have access to it, so their blocking it being on purpose.
ps If it isn't the YouTube/black screen issue described above that you're facing, try here & onwards on blocking and unblocking issues, and see if that helps you.