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Been playing "Hands of War Tower Defense" for a very long time. Just enjoy the purity of the old school game. Got up to level 247 or so, goal was to eventually win every level with max enemies.

But yesterday, all progress was lost. Wiped out. Gone. Account's character is back to level 1. Wassup with that?!

(And yes, I paid for premium content. At least that is still there.)

  • 7 Replies
3,174 posts

It could be that you you didn't have your local storage set high enough.
To change it you right click somewhere within a flash game and then click on settings, finally set the slider to something like 1MB, 10 MB, or Unlimited.

Here is a little more information on the local storage setting.

I'm no expert here, but setting the local storage may put your computer at slightly higher risk as, with the higher and unlimited setting, your are potentially allowing flash to store more/as much data on your computer as possible. But, I'm really not an expert here.

However, I have a feeling the flash storage is not the problem. I had trouble with Hands of War 3 (different game, but the same series and creator). My save files corrupted on me all the time. I would lose my in-game quest progress and some of my items, but my characters would stay the same level. I played the game on multiple browsers, computers, and even at friends' houses (different internet connections) and experienced the same problem. I e-mailed the creators, but they were very slow to respond and they told me it was a problem on my end (I don't see how though).

Your best bet is to contact Ferret, tell him your problem and see what he can do for you.

Sorry if this wasn't the most helpful, but those were my best guesses.

16 posts

Hi. I've been playing 'Keeper of 4 Elements' and had got within 2 levels of completion and today all progress has been wiped out. All my upgrades and different degrees of difficulty all gone. I'm really annoyed.

16 posts

Scrier - have you looked at your 'quests' record - I have checked mine and found a lot of completed quests for games that I have never played! Wonder if there has been some hacking going on??

16 posts

Hi Unleashed, yeah, I tried restarting the computer etc but I have my armor games set to store on the armor games computer, not local save. Checked my settings and they are OK. Checked cookies etc: all ok. Given that Scrier has also lost all progress on his game - different game, same day - seems to suggest the problem is not local. As yesterday was a big holiday for lots of folk there may be more players with similar issues who were not around yesterday. I did contact Ferret and tell him, so that's all I can do. Sad about it 'cos 'Keeper' is a brilliant game. Waiting for GC2 to emerge early next year so hoping armor games get this sorted before then!!

3,174 posts

I overlooked the temporary folders where save data is stored.

Like UnleashedUponMankind said, you can accidentally delete your own save data. Almost, if not all, flash games store save data in a temporary folder. If you clear your browser data (history, cookies, data, etc.) then it will most likely delete the temporary folder where your flash game save data is stored and, thus you lose all of your progress.

Furthermore, different browsers ( Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) typically store flash game save data in different locations. This means that saved progress does not transfer between browsers. (So, if you get really far in a game you've been playing in Firefox and go to Chrome, your progress won't be there. Remember to play the game in the same browser your started it in.)

One exception to this rule is flash games that have an online save feature. The save file is then stored on a server and linked to your account. You can play in any browser on any computer, so long as you sign in to your account. Your save data and progress will be there. However, on rare occasions, online saves can somehow get deleted. It's happened to me once or twice before, but it really is a rare occurrence.

What to take form all this? If you know you will be going with the local (non-online save method), then:

- Be sure not to delete your browsers history, cookies, temporary files, or other data.

- Be sure that your browser is not set to delete it's history, cookies, temporary files, or other data at set intervals (once every 2 weeks) or at certain amounts (deleting when temporary folders reach 1 GB in size).

- Be sure your browser is not set to delete it's history, cookies, temporary files, or other data when the browser is closed.

- Try not to play games in a browser's privacy mode, where cookies and data will not be stored (or will be deleted) when the browser is closed.

- Make sure to play flash games on the same computer and in the same browser.

- If you are very worried that you will accidentally delete a browsers stored data, always go for the online save option when possible.

If the games you are taking about had online saves, you used the online save feature, and your data was still delete, then it wasn't because your cleared your browser history, and other data. You may want to try and contact Ferret and see what course of action to take next (if anything can be done).

Sorry if my outlook is a bit grim, but hopefully this helped a little :]

3,174 posts

Lol, you snuck your post in before me. Well, looks like you already knew about all the local vs online save stuff I mentioned haha :]

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why are all my progress getting wiped out

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