So I'm not sure if this is the right place to handle this, or if I should mail an employee of AG instead. But here it goes, pretty briefly, without naming said companies, or the complete problem.
But there are certain MMO companies out there that have games on this site, where they encourage and allow players to breach AG's ToS. I was really wanting an opinion or a discussion started concerning this, because even though their game is their intellectual right, for those of us following your ToS it has become a big nuisance.
The thing is AG is merely hosting these MMOs. They have no control over the community in these MMOs. Also, I believe the MMOs also have their own rules and ToS.
they encourage and allow players to breach AG's ToS. I was really wanting an opinion or a discussion started concerning this,
Only to echo, I don't see what seriously you want people to discuss, with no details provided.
(You see, a wild guess and just for example could be you're not happy with some of the accompanying ads. This has been, and is being, discussed at length elsewhere.
But sans any specifics, wild guesses is all we have. If, as just another example and a guess, users get into in-game cussing there, I suppose that really is up to those game developers and keepers. Etc.)