Converting from local save to online save is a feature built within the game, not on Armor Games side of things. A lot of newer games are choosing not to have this option.
Converting from local save to online save is a feature built within the game, not on Armor Games side of things. A lot of newer games are choosing not to have this option
This is actually half true. Some games saves (Sonny for example) save via cookies. MMO's have game saves saved onto servers which are accessed with your login information.
A local save being placed into a game on Armor Games is not possible. I'm sure there is a piece of software exists where you can tamper with the emulated flash file but that is not advised. Games like Legends Of The Void have these links that I believe allow for transferring of a save from one computer to another. That's all I know.
I should have been more clear.. I was talking about games on Armor Games that have online saves, like Infectonator 2.
Infectonator 2 lets you start out as a local save, then copy it over to an online save if you want. But the newer games we are releasing typically remove this option (assuming they have both local and online save).