I'm bringing back the old True or False thread!The rules: Answer the true/false question from the last post and leave another true/false question for the next person.No spamming, profanity, or obscene questions.TPBM is on a laptop.
TrueThe person below me is have more then 50 posts
True TPBM has yelled at there pet to get a job
false :PTPBM hates pickles
falseTPBM hates eating at mcdonalds
very very true!!!TBPM hates toads
Not particularlyTBPM is a Serf
TRUEthe person below me just ate mcdonalds
falseTPBM is a girl
FalseTPBM is a father.
FalseTPBM is a MySpace addict.
I don't know what that is.TPBM is a father.
false.HEY it's zega!TPBM is a friend of zega
fales who the hell is tpbm eny way? um next poster is straght
True.Next poster is a girl.
falsetpbm is in africa
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