I'm bringing back the old True or False thread!The rules: Answer the true/false question from the last post and leave another true/false question for the next person.No spamming, profanity, or obscene questions.TPBM is on a laptop.
True, on forums.
The next person like to play Unfortunately, Fortunately Game.
The next person is nice
The next person has a 4 in their username.
The next person knows how to make delicious cookies.
Mostly true
The next person is BalkanRenegades.
Totally true... Not someone else pretending to be him...
The next person has an armatar with yellow in it.
True, I have yellow on it!
The next person has blue on his armatar.
False A little Dark Cat ? maybe Yellowcat's cousin
The next person like cats ?
The next person speaks more than one language.
True ^^
The next person is a scribe ?
False, I'm a Herald...
The next person likes presents.
False. Would rather give them.
The next person is excited about a new year.
True, my birthday is on New Year's Day!
The next person has a birthday on a holiday.
Close, but false.
The next person's favorite color is not red.
The next person favorite color is blue ?
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