I'm bringing back the old True or False thread!The rules: Answer the true/false question from the last post and leave another true/false question for the next person.No spamming, profanity, or obscene questions.TPBM is on a laptop.
False...The person below me is old-fashioned.
It depends on what "old-fashioned" means, but it's probably false.TPBM has Elephant Quest faved.
False. I love that game though! The person below me has played Multitask or Multitask 2.
True.TPBM has or previously had the squirrel armatar.
FalseThe person below me is the person above me.
True.TPBM's favorite color is green.
true. inception is incepting.
False.Tabasco sauce isn't that hot.
I don't know so falseThe person below me saw a 3D movie.
True.TPBM considers the 2D version of Tron "3D enough."
TrueThe person below me dosen't know wheather to say True or False.
False.TPBM has friended a user with a fox armatar.
FalseThe person below me is (no offense) lifeless.
False.TPBM wants the green dragon armatar (mine, not the other one).
FalseThe person below me can't live without a computer.
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