ForumsSupport ForumHELP ME PLEASE! I need to know if there is a way to close my account on all the com...

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Well firstable good night, i need to know if i can get some help with my problem, someone is inside of my armor game account and i try changing my password and my email, but in a few minutes latter i see that he put is own mail over the mine and i was like WTF. Well the thing is that i play a Online game called "The last stand - Dead zone" and his muder****er are selling almost all my stuff, and i dont know what to do, i can't logout my account cause if he change the password again i couldnt open again, and im lv 38 on the game (and believe me is too hard to lv up). I contact an moderador of the company how design the game(Con Artist Games), and they put my Account lv 38 on a supension mode for two days untill i get some help from Armor games, and i send my Help message to armor games, and they say that i have to wait 24 hours till they send me a answer e-mail, but the 24 hours are over and i dont have recive any message, and im afraid of the suspension time get over and the muder****er who is inside of my account sell more stuff. I need some help please, tell me what can i do ((.
My e-mail:

  • 21 Replies
3,675 posts

That indeed is a good way to get hacked.

Let's set things straight, folks. That is not getting 'hacked'. No computers were infiltrated via exploiting holes in firewalls, no script kiddies brute-forced a password. It's not hacking in the least bit. It's just someone hopping onto a computer that you did not log out of your account on.

Everyone should remember to do the following when using a public computer:
- Never allow the browser to 'Remember my password'
- Always log out of any accounts before closing the browser
- Never share your password or personal email
6,737 posts

Let's set things straight, folks. That is not getting 'hacked'.

...well I mean your account got hacked. Isn't it "hacking" if they get onto your account and use it for bad use?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

You always run a risk of a keygen in cybercafe computers anyway.

Isn't it "hacking" if they get onto your account and use it for bad use?

Technically a hacker uses his computer skills to seek out weaknesses, *****s in another system, then gets in. In OPs case, he seems to have forgotten to log out and shut down his computer at an internet cafe, or a keygen got him.
1,315 posts

Isn't it "hacking" if they get onto your account and use it for bad use?

No; leaving your account open for another to use is called sloppiness No offense to the original poster, I sympathize, and I guess they'll have learned to not do it again

Nor then do I see any reason to think in terms of key logging or anything complicated. While never impossible, again the most likely cause would just seem that somebody sat themselves down by that machine & found the account open.

What to do about it at this point I'm not so sure; you'd think that cybercafe won't be open 24/7, so maybe you can regain control of your account while they're shut. Or go have a chat with the owners or so. I guess chances are ArmorGames may have been working with OP behind the scenes on it as we speak.
1,315 posts


you'd think that cybercafe won't be open 24/7, so maybe you can regain control of your account while they're shut. Or go have a chat with the owners or so.

Not sure if this would work, but I think what I'd do is go to that same public machine, delete its entire web history (cache and notably cookies and the whole shebang), then go home and login to your account if you still can & change password.
1,315 posts

... Then pps, to expound on that some more: I reckon the cookie here is crucial. So long as it's extant on that machine, it allows the user(s) to access your account, thus overriding any changes you make.

So, do delete all cookies on that machine (there'll be a command for this somewhere in the browser settings), then regain control of your account. Preferably in the safety of your home, then.

You can either do this yourself, or indeed speak to the owners about it.

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