I want to sleep, but my body somehow refuses to feel tired, so I created this thread! I never learn (And I doubt most do); you crave sleep, but at night you just stay up late, and wake up full of the bitterness of regret. And then, proceed to repeat the cycle. I haven't slept before midnight for more than two days in a row since I was ten.
Discuss all your weirdest sleep-related experiences here!
Some insightful comments here, including Ferret's, but not just his.
No TV/internet/(nor reading, at least in my experience!), it's something I guess we "all know," however I'd never looked at it as physically yet (blue light etc. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it.)
Whether it's not too late to save this night owl remains to be seen, but... (I've generally gotten a lot better at it, really. If anything, better at swiftly readjusting if I let it slip these days. No abuse of any substances must surely help! Save for nicotine and cafeine, but I try and lay it easy on the latter. & Generally being more at peace -- in the most general of senses, ahem )
I always do stupid things. Like right now, for example. I have to get up for school in *looks at clock* five hours and three minutes as of right this second. However, I can't draw myself away from my computer, and it's probably because I've formed an unhealthy addiction to it. And I have a long day tomorrow, so right now I'm just being plain stupid. Aside from that, even when I don't stay online until midnight+, I have trouble falling asleep anyway. I mean, I can lie there for hours with my eyes closed doing my best to think of nothing and I look over and I'm still awake. And, strangely enough, the more sleep I get, the more tired I feel when I wake up. I get on average 3-7 hours of sleep on a school night, and on weekends I compensate by sleeping in til about 12 or even later. I know it's not healthy, but that's my schedule... Mugh. *flops away and attempts to sleep*
I normally get between 6-7 hours of sleep during the week. On weekends it really depends, But I would say about 8 or 9. I am on a pretty normal sleep schedule, some weekends I stay up really late but not usually.
i wake up really early like at 7 am and such things but im a bit stupid and i know i have to sleep but i watch TV til 3- 4 AM also when im at weekends still awake til 3-4 am is normal ^^
If I remember correctly, sleeping in a silent environment puts the brain on edge, basically...making it so that random noises startles the brain into thinking it might be a threat
thats what probally is happing to me, just my vent scares me when i'm going to sleep
If I really can't sleep, I just leave the light on. That's it. No, I don't sleep better with the light on, but I am notoriously lazy. Having the light on turns turning the light off into a task in which I have to get up to complete. Being as indolent as I am, my body would rather take the road that requires the least amount of effort, which in this case is lying there telling myself I'll turn off the light until I finally fall asleep.
Does this have anything to do with how long your hair is? I wear mine pretty long and its much greasier in the morning than when it was shorter.
I would say yes, although I'm no dermatologist. That, or the under layers of your hair are greasier than the outermost layer and it's all spreading when you sleep.