Now we can see that how much progress we have made in a quest in the Latest quests!=)I will post the screenshots tommorow.
Uh...must be more visible now...
This isn't new... It's been around since the beginning but only a certain bunch display the percentage so that's why they might look "new" to you.
How do you complete a quest less than 100%? I understand how it would work but does the site actually track exactly how far you are from completing certain quests?
it its because if there is a quest you have to kill 100 orc and you killed 50 youre 50% from completing it
Its an old feature, and dont work for all quests.
Yeah I saw that in the FF and I went to quests thinking it was going to be VERY COOL and It is for some, but not all quests use it... :/~~Black~~
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