I got my GCSE results. A* in Maths, As in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, History, and Further Maths, and Bs in English Language, English Literature, and German.
I went on a different website for three seconds and somehow managed to get the rest of a show spoiled for me, which is probably why I was only there for three seconds.
Well... today I said yes to my new boss, who I will be starting to work for 1st of October! =)
Went shopping for some new work shoes, played some Steel Panther to celebrate and thought of how to break the bad news to my current boss, who is currently already under-staffed... but I need to think about the future! Then to top it off... I played some KingsRoad to relax! =D
Well tomorrow school starts, so I've stupidly decided to pull an all-nighter so I will fall asleep early today and be ready for a horrible nine months. It's like being pregnant except that I don't get screaming wrinkly sausage, I get a pile of stress and a bunch of useless information.