ForumsNews and FeedbackA way to block annoying users

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2,980 posts

Ah, a perfect day, everything is going well. You just won a basketball game at the park with your homies, some cute girl commented on how great you play ball, and your favorite rap album was playing on XM channel 45. Then you go onto AG to check your comments and what do you find? Some jerks apparently went giddy on your comment box when you were away and left a string of offensive, smart alec crap on your comments that you have to sort out and deal with.
_____________________________________________________________There should be a way to block non mod or admin members from posting in your comments. I can't stand people who are enabled with the comment box to do what they would never do to someone face to face. I propose a way (button) to block these people from commenting in ones comments box.

  • 22 Replies
6,737 posts

XM channel 45.

Shady Radio... only da best man; as for the rest of the post tl;dr i'm lazy
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Not supportive of views:

Might breed more hostility and the fight might still continue via proxies/Alts. If the person really has broken the rules of harassment, it's still better to let the mods handle it.

9,808 posts

1) You can't block blk
2) He commented on how he didn't fancy your profile..then it turned into a back and forth of mud slinging. Except the mud was made of feces
3) The idea proposed in this thread isn't necessarily a bad idea, but you could always just talk to a mod about the situation.

3,386 posts

Might breed more hostility and the fight might still continue via proxies/Alts. If the person really has broken the rules of harassment, it's still better to let the mods handle it.

Exactly. You should be able to handle any sort of situation that may bring this sort of hostility in a more mature manner. If ignoring and/or attempting to settle things between you and a specific user does not work, then you simply have to bring in the mods or "higher authorities" to sort things out. Of course I kind of see this as being childish, because by now you should be able to distinguish between what is pointless and what is not. Is this annoying user going to have an extremely negative impact on your life that may potentially harm you? No? Then okay. That means it is essentially pointless.
6,737 posts

Okay as pang said this is just a war. Masta and blk, quit your stupid bickering and be men for goodness sake... It's not like this is elementary school where you have to tell the teacher for everything, just be men and come to peace.

I'm younger than you guys and find it appalling that my supposed elders bicker over little comments and petty crap. Cut it already, listen to some Eminem and you will both be okay.


13,344 posts

There should be a way to block non mod or admin members from posting in your comments.

Or you could do one of three things:

1. Don't reply to the comment.
2. Don't reply to the comment.
3. Don't reply to the comment.

Seriously, if you don't want a user continually posting on your wall, just stop replying to their comments. Each time you do reply, it's just an invitation for them to send another comment your way. There's really nothing more to it.
769 posts

Ask not to be contacted by them. If they contact you unless they are a mod or admin, that is called harassment and is clearly spelled out in the Terms and Conditions. Thus they break their Terms and Conditions AKA "contract", and can be dealt with by the AG authorities.


7,042 posts
Grand Duke

Worse than in a kindergarten...

697 posts

True jsut dont reply to his /her comments just ignore them and if you say you cant ignore them cause he/she post always on your profile and that makes you feel bad (what i am thinking that that is not what is happening) contact a mod and problem solve

3,386 posts

Wow. Way to take it to an extreme. How about if someone wrapped your vehicle (assume you have one if you don't) in six inches of toilet paper every day? Would it have an extremely negative impact on your life that may potentially harm you? No. Then it's pointless. Just clean someone else's mess up every single day. Kind of like a Messenger Board.

Sorry if you consider that extreme but I was just trying to put it into a perspective that demonstrates just how stupid the entire thing is. Everyone here realizes that what is going on is stupid, just like wrapping six inches of toilet paper around a car every day is stupid. Putting it into extremes like this can make people understand how silly it is.
18,319 posts

I disagree. Its like what your mother always tells you, "Say something nice or don't say anything at all." In this case the admins and mods are the mother(lets call them momerators) and the Terms and Conditions is the saying. If they do say something potentially bad to offend you and they know they're offending you, then they basically upsetted their momerators and they usually ground/ban you. So let them say what they think, let them get in trouble. Its their problem.

tl;dr: They'll get themselves in trouble. Also momerators.

14,745 posts

Also momerators.

Does this make me "Momerator DaddyDayCee" then? =)

Even though I completely understand all of the arguments given here and the obvious background from which they have spawned, I would also like to point out that such matters offer a possible breeding ground for personal growth for all individuals that are users of this website.

I think that there will always be discussions on various topics that can get out of hand, simply because the parties involved feel they are in their right and stand their ground... but the way they choose to do this is the real issue at hand here.

To give an example on how to approach a discussion: you can very well be an intellectual person that has knowledge of a vast vocabulary, using it to make well argumented statements, but... if this person happens to cross paths with another person that does not have this level of eloquent writing, the supposed 'intelligent' person can easily become someone that is viewed upon by the other person as if they were to have a huge ego and act presumptuous towards them. Both sides misunderstand eachother and hold their ground, which could easily lead to... well, anyone can fill in the rest of the story from there. Conclusion: both sides are wrong, even the 'supposed intelligent' person...

Why not use the current ways of communicating on this website for your own benefit? Furthermore, what is the harm in trying to help others understand views and help them better themselves? Providing the other person is willing to listen and learn of course... and if they do not want to listen and learn, why not walk away? Why engage in a fight that, ultimately, will get yourself into trouble?

To make a long story short... I feel there is no need for such a 'social gimmick' on this website. It might very well be implemented in the future, but I don't see the purpose of having it. If you encounter users that are (generally speaking) spamming your profile, ask them to stop. If they don't listen, report it to a Moderator, wait... 'momerator', and they will act upon the instigator of it all!

Just remember to check who started it...
3,171 posts

I am opposed to this idea. If some individuals want to pretend that some others don't exist, they can do so. They should not need someone else to do it for them. Allowing user blocks of any kind will only open the doors to abuse.

I actually think it would be quite beneficial. Considering that there are always some people who will hate you, and probably flame you in your comments/messenger/whatever. You should also have the option to hide their posts in the forum

The forums are hard enough to read through with occasional deletions. Having different people in mutual ignorance of one another contributing to the same threads would be disastrous.
4,170 posts

If there's anything we're good at as a collective concious is that we know how to rehash a point until it's a pile of dirt.

Anyway, I don't think this would be such a bad problem on a forum where there are 100 active forumers for every moderator, but on a smaller community like AG it could only disrupt the flow.

407 posts

Whats wrong with just deleting the comments you don't want on your page?

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