Some of you may have seen the OBJECTION! forum and have been discouraged by its order and actual connections and things. Well be deprived no longer! Now we have the chaos edition, where no one cares what you're objecting to and why! Example: Me: I started this thread. Player 1: OBJECTION! This thread was started by blk! You just made a new rendition of it! Player 2: OBJECTION! It was started on you're banned! Player 1: OBJECTION! You're banned sucks and should never be referenced (i think that has too many e's...)! Player 3: OBJECTION! I play on you're banned all the time and it is awesome! etc etc.
OBJECTION! You don't care about hats? YOU MONSTER! DOUBLE OBJECTION! Who cares about being weird? TRIPLE OBJECTION! Of course we care about that! He/she tells everyone different things! QUADRUPLE OBJECTION! It is really hard to do all caps on mobile! QUINTUPLE OBJECTION! This post is dragging on really far! SEXTUPLE OBJECTION! Lets drag it on further! SENTUPLE OBJECTION! I don't know if thats a word! OCTUPLE OBJECTION! I'm done now.
OBJECTION! That's not politically correct! DOUBLE OBJECTION! I'm a guy! I have the balls to prove it! TRIPLE OBJECTION! Caps are hard to do on mobile! I told you guys that on page 25! QUADRUPLE OBJECTION! I can count to ten in one post! Quintiple objection! I don't care about caps anymore. sextuple objectlon! Nor do i care about spelling. Nintuple objection! Nor grammer thingymabobbers. Octuple objection! This is a very long post! Nontuple objection! Almost as long as the most complicated rpg ever of all time char sheet! Dectuple objection! See? I told you! Dodectuple objection! is that wprd 12th or 11th?