ForumsForum GamesShattered Armor Suggestion Thread

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18,319 posts

Hello and welcome to the Shattered Armor RPG kickstarter. This RPG will be a special kind of RPG. Why? Because its based on ArmorGames that's why. Actually its really based around the whole internet, but you, the players, will be the users of ArmorGames. Think of it as if you're inside the internet.

This will be an open world RPG, basically the player can do whatever they feel like it, just as long as they follow the rules that I have not come up with yet.

Now here is the RPG character sheet:

Name: (pick a name)
Age: 13 and up(this is ArmorGames after all, so we have to start with age 13)
Gender: Male or Female(or Facebook's 50+ genders)
Race: (The most unique part of the sheet. You can choose what you want to be like; human, alien, robot, ant, toaster, penguin, fox, dwarf, etc. Whatever you want.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
HP: 100/100

This sheet is not the final character sheet. Do not use it yet!

Now the most important part of the kickstarter, suggestions. I need suggestions on things. Maybe on items, weapons, clothing, title(this current one was done last minute), etc.

Hopefully there's nothing I forgot to mention. So go on and suggest. Also if you're planning on joining please tell me here so I know who to expect.

  • 97 Replies
18,319 posts

This idea is kinda gross but you guys might agree with me on this. Porn sites should be stripper clubs. Obviously we won't show actual porn as this thread will be locked faster than a cheetah on coffee.

Also what about those blogging sites? What do blogs have in relation with a certain real life thing?

665 posts

blogs should be newspaper and yahoo should have its own news brand along with the transportation function the newspaper will be in the transportation thing

18,319 posts

yahoo should have its own news brand

Intrestingly enough Google has that same thing but Yahoo news is more considered. So that will also be added and they will have their own tv network

Some new things I thought of: Translate sites will be language classes, mapping sites will be maps, and... that seems to be it.

So I thought about it more... and decided there should be separate cities because it doesn't really work if there's one large city covering half the nation. So there will be separate cities and hopefully they have their own land features. Part of this is because there needs to be some sort of agriculture and there's sites about agriculture apparently, like and probably some others hopefully. So I hope you people who are disappointed that there's multiple cities instead of one large city(I don't think anyone is) understand.

So if there are anymore ideas please tell them. This RPG might come more early than expected.
9,363 posts

What about the deep net? The seedy underbelly of every city?

18,319 posts

What about the deep net?

Already happened as the 'bad part of town'.

Here's a list of some types of websites if you can think of ideas for them. List.
9,363 posts

affiliate - door to door sales men?
archive site - museum (Though I think I saw a museum earlier...)
attack site - guards/warriors/army/etc
brand building sites - billboards?
celebrity sites - fan clubs?
community sites - coffee shops
content sites - research facilities?
corporation sites - ah.... hmmm... I've got nothing...
dating sites - singles clubs? Dating agencies?
electronic commerce - shops
forum sites - ...debating... places?
gallery sites - galleries
government sites - propaganda...?
gripe sites - counseling?
gambling sites - casinos
gaming site - arcades
humor site - comedy clubs

I will have a gander at the rest in a bit...

9,363 posts

news sites - news papers
personal sites - diary
phishing sites - criminals
torrent sites - black market-esk thing
political site - opinion polls?
Q and A - school?
rating sites - critics
scraper site - bootleg dealers
shock site - trolls

How's that?

9,363 posts

I know that, that's why I didn't add them to the list. I didn't know what else to put Q and A under though.

18,319 posts

affiliate - door to door sales men?
archive site - museum (Though I think I saw a museum earlier...)
attack site - guards/warriors/army/etc
brand building sites - billboards?
celebrity sites - fan clubs?
community sites - coffee shops
content sites - research facilities?
corporation sites - ah.... hmmm... I've got nothing...
dating sites - singles clubs? Dating agencies?
electronic commerce - shops
forum sites - ...debating... places?
gallery sites - galleries
government sites - propaganda...?
gripe sites - counseling?
gambling sites - casinos
gaming site - arcades
humor site - comedy clubs
news sites - news papers
personal sites - diary
phishing sites - criminals
torrent sites - black market-esk thing
political site - opinion polls?
Q and A - school?
rating sites - critics
scraper site - bootleg dealers
shock site - trolls

Will do.
Ehhh... alright.
Will do.
That will actually surprisingly work fine.
Put community and Forums together and we're good.
That seems to be a tough one.
I'll think about that.
Adding with Communities and forums.
Adding with communities and dating
Will do.
Did something kind of like that. Any .gov is basically government.
I don't think it should be counseling because the sites are 'bad' criticism.
Will do.
Done. With consoles.
That was mentioned before yet I forgot to put it on the list. Wow, R2. Wow.
Done. With tv stations.
Ehhhh... alright.
Will do.
Will do.
Kinda goes along with government sites so that will be there.
How about info center like blk said.
Will do.
Will do.
Will do.

Will also slide that in with community and forums

Here's the now updated list:

Flash game sites > Nations
Social sites, chat sites, date sites > Bars, clubs, coffee shops, etc.
Video sites > theater
Ebay, Amazon, etc. > auction houses
Store websites > stores
Restaurant sites > Restaurant
School sites, online schools > Schools
Music sites > Music stores and radio stations
Video game sites > Video game consoles and arcades
Wikipedia > Museum
Dictionary sites > Library and book stores
Search sites > Transportation
Credit sites > Banks and currency
Email > Post office
Sport sites > Sports
Religious sites > Churches
.gov sites > Government stuff
Country sites > Embassies
Theory sites > Abandoned warehouses
Court system sites > Prison
Profiles > Homes
Names > Usernames
Locks > Passwords
Hospital sites > Hospitals
Deep Internet > 'bad part of town'
Brand building sites > billboards
affiliate sites > door to door sales men
attack site > army
Celebrity sites > fan club
Gambling sites > casinos
humor site > comedy clubs
blogs, news sites > Newspapers, tv stations, radio stations
Agriculture sites > farms
Translation sites > Language sites
Q and A > Info centers
personal sites > diary
phishing sites > criminals
torrent sites > black market-esk thing
rating sites > critics
scraper site > bootleg dealers
shock site > trolls

Anything more?
18,319 posts

I'm going to do a list on the people who I know are definitely joining

Jack(reason for adding him is because I don't think he'll be thinking up a list for no reason. Just a guess though)

Now those are the people I know who have signed up.

Also note to self: Add hospitals

18,319 posts

By the way, it seems I haven't thought about this thing at all... but the level up system. How do you want it to work? Or should I just remove it all together? I really haven't thought this through.

1,266 posts

I disagree. Wiki (and the now online-only Encyclopaedia Britannica) should be academies. Hospitals = NHS site (free hospital) or WebMD (quicker and more efficient but paid-for hospital). Phishing sites should be conmen. Social networks should be communication networks (Facebook is a modern phone with a wiretap, G+ is basically the same but whiter and less popular, et cetera).
If we do that, then let's have Friendster as an authentic Alexander Graham Bell telephone XD

6,704 posts

Well, if there is going to be a level up system, are we going to have powers, or anything like that? If not, I don't really see the need for a level up system. (Then again, I was never very good at these things, but I'll try and help)

18,319 posts

Wiki (and the now online-only Encyclopaedia Britannica) should be academies.

Alright. I could also move museum to gallery sites unless there's a better placement for that.

Hospitals = NHS site (free hospital) or WebMD (quicker and more efficient but paid-for hospital).

Sure thing.

Phishing sites should be conmen.

I'll just add it along with criminals.

Social networks should be communication networks

That's actually a pretty good point. So maybe I'll separate date sites from there(as I was supposed to put forums and community but apparently I didn't add that yet.

It would make sense for Social networks to be communication networks.
1,255 posts

hey this idea is AWESOME ! i created a map its a prototype but ... eh ! the countries that have stripes from another color are being occupied by the other countries forces ...

well i think google and ... should be i dont know everywhere ! and the flash games in each site should be their cities !! i mean like theres a city named last stand ! theres a city named Kingdom rush ! i think they will be cool ! and each of the nations should have its own unique special forces !! like Armor games : Moderator Knights Of Armor Games ! (or something like it :P) Kongrate : The Red Army Of Fire Ants :| (IDK JUST SAYING ! ...) and so on ! oh Newgrounds should be : The Great Motorized Army Of ... (what the hell ... :P ) well these are my ideas hope you enjoy ! and oh im JOINING !

Showing 31-45 of 97