Another bug is that you cant get back the cores you spend on rarity boost if you want to check it out. Reset does not refund them and there is no minus sign to lower it back.
Ferret, how are we supposed to get the amplifiers completely unlocked for every map? I'm all the way to like V1, and they are still locked on every map, but the special ones at the ends of the map.
Afterr purchasing the pouc i play a few games then set online save. Rebooted the computer. Verified all worked (online save) Then play a few hours. I am now wizzard lv 38. I closed my browser..reopened it..all is gone.. Reboot..log out...log in
Not sure if its a bug or anything but every time i gem bomb my orb i don't get anything for it other the reduced banishment. Is this just part of the game or did somthing happen.
1. On traits window: Buttom Looming don't show how many SC cost. 2. In battle is possible to upgrade sparks to infinity level: When you have gems and no mana for duplicate it. You can drop gem on spark with holding shift (duplicate gems), you get messages no "Not enough mana" gem stay but spark level up. Some time gem disappear but slot is still blocked, anyway is still possible to drop him on spark (with auto select gem to drop).
1.Clicking on buildings breaks priority for all gems, even if they are out of reach to attack this building. Like if I click on mana shard, my attack gem starts to shoot nearest building, while completely ignoring enemies. 2.Moreover, buildings priority needs more refining. The way it could be the best: Weakest nest Strongest nest Weakest mana shard Strongest mana shard Weakest beacon Strongest beacon Weakest tomb Strongest tomb Corrupted mana shard For now my attack gem ignores 20k re-socketing beacon right in front of it, while trying to shoot 500k one, which can't even affect monsters. Same with mana shards. 3. Also, "Flying" priority is badly needed. 4. Curse's "Ignore 40% of armor" and "50% more damage taken" parts doesn't seem to work. I didn't test it thoroughly, but I don't see a difference in damage output on giants after applying curse.
I don't know if this'll fix it for anybody else but GC:CS wasn't loading for me either, it stayed stuck on the Armorgames/Game in a bottle loading screen with the red gem outline, but when I hovered the mouse over the gem outline it started loading properly. Might have been a fluke but it worked for me.