So, Friday at school, a very annoying kid at my lunch table continued to annoy me (as he has done all week). I warned him mutiple times to stop, but he didnt. So after lunch i pinned him to the wall, got in his face, and told him to stop, or he would not like what happened. Was that the only to stop him, because telling on him wouldnt have done anything? Was there anyothere way to stop without using what I like to call "The Fear Factor"? Was i being smart?
What do you mean by he was annoying you? I have a friend who thinks he is hilarious and smooth with the ladies and he generally annoys me, but I wouldn't pin him against the wall because of that.
I would say no, no matter what someone does to annoy you, don't use physical force, unless he initiates it first.
Just ignore him. Stick to a group of friends, so that you'll an easier time ignoring him and, when faced with more annoyed people, bloke might just leave.
Well, he would lean up to me, and start singing. Not only is he a HORRIBLE singer, but he has this song that he came up with, that is like the most annoying song ever, but he has such a high-pitched, sqeaky voice, it make everyone at my lunch table want to hit somethin. And it gets BAD sometimes
Does your school assign lunch tables, couldn't you just kick him out or move somewhere else?
I do agree with Graham, that was not a rational response. NEVER get physical at school (or any public place) unless you are willing to face the consequences.
So he did nothing :P And you get angry ? 1 : I would probbably ignore him because he is just singing 2 : If your friends want to hit him, then your friends are bad people. 3 : He probably doesnt have a choice, and if he annoys you, switch tables. Your friends does not exist only on the table. What if your friends are there ? Your friends are not the most important thing in the world :P
Are you the only one who finds this person annoying? If not, why don't you all move, and invite or conscript a few others to fill up any open seats after you move? If you have a full table for at least a week, I'm sure he will find a new place.
No, just be above of such things. Ignore him, sooner or later he will go off the boil and search another "victim". If he is really searching for trouble he must make the steps... if he is going to use violence, then your free to defend yourself, but he must cross the border.
You could always try to out-annoy him, i.e. sing even worse, say the same obnoxious thing over and over again, make fart sounds with your mouth, mock him incessantly, etc. Sometimes they feel threatened when they can't be the alpha-nuisance.