I didn't find it after googling, although I admit haven't looked that much!
What is the size of the game iwndow in armor games? If it varies, what is a good size? Something that fits the screen plus margins on average sized computer screens (ofc this varies too). Anyone? :P
The size of the game window varies a lot... some games are kept at a smaller size of -for example- 750x750, whereas others (mostly MMO's) almost take up the whole screen with 1500x1500.
It all depends on what the game is and what size it needs. Some simple games don not need a large sized screen, and others simply need the biggest size available to include a large enough view of the game entirely.
What it comes down to is actually pretty simple... what is the game like, how much screen does it require in order to be played well and what are your own preferences? Pretty vague, I know, but that's pretty much it! =)
You did thanks! My monitor is definitly not 1500x1500, some games actually get cut on my laptop - I can't pick a size because I have little references in screen sizes (how big is 800x800). Going to search that type of thing. Anyways, thanks