I haven't been active in the forums for a long while now, and I was just wondering whether people still rant about the pristine of early Armor Games. It used to be quite the topic for conversation.
This site has been around so long, users of different generations have different ideas of what "The Good Ol' Days" are. I've been a part of this community so long that I've experienced multiple generations of "Good Ol' Days". Newer users from this period who stay around enough to become veterans will probably see this period as their "Good Ol' Days". It all depends on what your definition of "The Good Ol' Days" is.
People have stopped ranting about it for the moment, but I'm sure now that this topic exists, you'll see veterans flock by the numbers while the newer bunch sit and stare dumbfounded.
Well... Most older users can agree that back when there were more people and active conversation that would be considered the "Good 'Ol Days" I myself do agree with this but I still wasn't here back in the "eak" of activity.
I spent all my time in Forum Games racking up an obscene post count for no reason. I spent a little bit of time in threads outside of Forum Games, but not enough to gather more than a few hundred of those post things. I was also a terrible person in general back then, but that didn't reflect upon my internet behavior.