This profile URL redirects to the 404 page : Profile overview: Also,My comments on other profiles get counted in my comment counter but for some reasons they get deleted (They don't show when you click on my Icon near a comment),anyone else having problems with the comment system?
It means that the account is deleted. Meh, gold trimming with the old gold crown means the person is an Admin, and his armatar also means that he's a Knight or Admin or Mod. It's @Boppins alt.
It could mean they're deleted? There's a bug whereby your comments on a person's page won't load unless someone else comments, whereby your comment will appear, and his will take its place as the invisible, elusive one. All comments could still be viewed when you click on the Disqus icon, so I have no idea why yours don't! Deleted maybe?
I believe that whenever an account gets deleted,every post or comment made by the user gets deleted as well,but here,as you can see,he has some comments on SSTG's profile ( And concerning the second issue,I just tried commenting on your profile and it worked fine,thanks a million for your help
@TheRed555 Thanks! @nichodemus is correct, it's a test account for Boppins. When an account is deleted, we won't be deleting comments/forum posts as they may still be relevant to other game comments or conversations in the forum.