@jonathen : Slow down please... he is asking a legitemate question here. No need to ask for a lock on this thread? I actually like the question and wonder if this is really the case... allthough there might be some behind-the-curtains actions going on here that we will never know about. =)
Some will interact regularly with users. @JoeyBetz was one of these when he was here. @BoMToons as well. Perhaps Kongregate just has more active game developers right now.
cause on kong they let you play games that barely had a testing phase beside the developer (dude) who made it. the vast majority of games on kong are just bad games that need a lot of tinkering to make it acceptable. because there is so much more wrong with the games on kong then that there is on armorgames, makes it look like the developers use the feedback more.
so the reason is because armorgames is superior.. =P
I believe part of this is the previous commenting system. I've been seeing it more and more with the Disqus system. A recent example is Multishop Tycoon.
I think we should give the new system a bit more time to grow, and with contemplation of redesigned pages in our future that may also help.
If you guys have ideas to get more developers involved, let us know!
Thanks for the replies guys! Appreciate the answers. @Ferret, you might have a good point. With the new commenting system in place, developers finally have a chance to interact with users. Whether or not they use the suggestions is a different story.
Most of of the time the devs on Kongregate don't interact with anything anyone says. And if they do, well you're lucky or they are a nice one. After having money stolen by multiple devs on Kong and the site refusing to do anything to help (and having mods there threaten extreme physical violence because I brought it up), I find ArmorGames far far far nicer.
We here at Armor Games don't hate Kong. We respect them as another person in the Flash Gaming space, though we of course love that you guys choose to spend your time on AG.