there this person who is logging on a bunch of characters blocking us and trapping us in a endless loop ... he keeps logging in and out on all of them very quickly .around 60 we believe.... we all believe he is using some sort of script program because it happens very quickly.. everyone just tired of this and wants this to stop
game im playing on is Dawn of the mmo section. its still going on right now as i post this.. sorry cant put up a screen shot dont use any sites
p.s were now heading into 2 hours and 30 min of this ..... and its still going on .. to give you a perspective of whats going on .. we have these mines we can attack .. in the mines people can defend them but upon defeat they gain a 40 min defense cool down... once a defender time exceeds 1 hour they can no longer def the mine till there cool down goes below 1 hour...
right now im at 276 kills of the same 60 or so characters .. when i go to view them it tells me there no longer logged in .... this has been going on for a long time and prevents me and everyone who join me to attack the mine to be stuck
You would need to at least take a screen shot for the higher ups to verify this, so that they can tackle the issue. It would also be better for you to contact the developers of the game themselves, since they might be able to verify the facts in game. AG only hosts the game. I've put in the link to the people on AG who might be able to help too. @Ferret.
sent report to developers but its weeknd so chances are nothing will get done till monday.... this is pretty crazy someone would do this ... i mean its just a game.. and thanks for responding