Some of you could have read my post on reddit ( in which I explain how does gem combining works. But one of conclusions I've made â" "Try to avoid combining one color gems of different grades" â" is correct only in theory, since if you combine one color gems of different grades your gem's attack speed will suffer a lot. But in practice attack speed is capped by 30 shots per second.
So, in practice you can get some gain in specials (if your gem's attack speed is greater than 30 sps) by using special combining schemes, e.g. (((G20 + G20) + G20) + G20) instead of ((G20 + G20) + (G20 + G20)). By this post I want to start new funny competition â" for best combining scheme for Black and Orange! To set the new record you can post your G60 gem analogue (i.e. gem with the same cost as G60 gem), but since your scheme may not allow you to make G60 gem analogue, it will be better to post your ~G60 gem and a special value (let call it "growth speed", which is:
log(result_gem_special / base_gem_special) / log(n) (n is number of identical base gems combined into resulted gem)
Let say you have base pure gem x and combining scheme g(x1, x2, ..., xn) (g(x1, x2, ..., xn) combines n input gems into one resulting gem). Then "growth value" will be (log(special(y) / special(x)) / log(n)), where y = f(x) = g(x, x, ..., x). You need to find such a scheme g(x1, ..., xn), which has maximum "growth value". Since G7+ gems have extra bonuses and gems lower than G7 have not, please, use only G7+ gems as your base gems to calculate "growth value".
Why I'm starting such a competition?
Because optimal combining schemes for Orange and Black is Holy Grail for all Gemcraft SC players. Growth values for standard combining are ~0.4647 for orange and ~0.1243 for black for total ~0.589 for Black/Orange. That means, that if you grade your B/O gem up, it's manaleech power will be 2 ^ 0.589 = 1.5042x, and after 80 grading ups it will be ~152'913'823'388'742x. But if we could find schemes, which will show even e.g. 0.51 and 0.14 growth values, if you grade your B/O gem up according to those schemes, it's manaleech power will be 2 ^ 0.65 = ~1.57x per grade, and after 80 grading ups it will be ~4'503'599'627'370'509x. So, G81 gem will leech 30x more mana and it will be 30x less time to get G100 gem and beat the endurance even without WoE and shrines
Oh man all this stuff is just sick. I've been reading in this forum for a long time now and still don't get how exactly to do all this. Once you found the "best" way to make a manafarm and killgem please someone make a step by step explanation because else no one except you guys will truly get it :P
Edit: One thing i've always been asking myself. What about the Red part in these calculations. If you find the best ratio for Orange and Black, won't it be totally messed up when you add Red to it or will it be the same formular for creating, but just taking a Red gem and inserting it somewhere instead of another gem?
You add grade 1 red to final gem or something like that. With 30000 multiplier from bloodbound chain hit goes extremally strong even in such small quanities.
There was a reason to post only pure gems. I planned 2 competitions - one is for pure gem combining schemes, another will be multicolor schemes with amplifiers. That's because we can get different results if we are combining pure stones which we've goten by using single specific scheme and it's better to get optimal result for pure gems first. It's natural to get better result by combining B and O in some proportion, because O grow much faster, than B. We can even find this proportion:
let say we have mana for G60 gem. Then we can get different results varying B and O proportions -
So, the best possible gain compared to 1x1 B/O combinig we could get is:
it's about 1.11x. Of course, in practice we can't get 59.6443 and 57.8 grade gems, but we can get close result by combining B and O in 3:1 (about x1.10)
So, @cronos51, your result is a little bit offtopic ,since you are using crosscolor scheme, but still it's a very nice offtopic. It contains some magic I can't explain, we need to explore it. The only possible explanatoin I have is each time we combinig G(N) and G(N-1) gems we are loosing ~0.5-1%. According to my schemes I lose 3-5% for Black and 3-5% for Orange on crossgrade combinations, but still 1.23x is very nice gain. Did you apply your scheme several times?
@thunderrider, compare results for R added initially in the beginning and ((lowgradeR + G60O) + G60B), it should be the same or about it. But I can be wrong
Adding the Red early will give better results, because of order of operations: it will degrade one of the A,B values for the gems being combined all the way along, as opposed to being a 0 for the B value in the final combine formula.
It will reduce your Bloodbound value by 20-22% and your Mana Leech value by 10-12% when you add it in, regardless of when you add it (specific loss depends on grade difference when added,) but adding it early will reduce the gem's contributions to the next combination, which will be partially offset by the other gem every time it gets improved, until the loss is almost 0. Adding it at the end will take 20% Bloodbound and 10% Mana Leech from your final gem.
@daniil_sizov_98, sorry for messing up this thread a little bit.
I applied this scheme just once, to get til G9 (which is a G10 equivalent). I had found that when I was experimenting on supergemming. Basic findings were what I had mentioned: (a) for the first gem have B from the bottom, but upgrade with only O. That gem has both lower mana AND bloodbound than a 1:1 BO. Its like it unfolds its 'hidden potential' further down the road when more B is combined into...? (b) for the gems to combine into / with this I found B/O 1:1 to turn out best. (c) Once I calculated the O/B relation of the resulting gem: Its 312 x G1O and 200 x G1B which makes O:B = 1,56:1
Well, not super important, but to be precise: I Made a mistake for A2 when I wrote down the recipe. At G1 its not OOOB | OBBB, but rather Gem A2: G1: OOOB | OOOB G3: O | B G5: O | B Result: G7
Hmm, using psorek 16-combine method, is combining the regular pure gems 1 grade lower into the supergems supposed to after a time REDUCE the special? Idk....its happening to me. Granted, triple gem, but on my dual upgrading gem, I notice same thing. Supposed to be and somehow still better, or am I doing it wrong.
Basically, for say the dual, following your method, at even like grade 11 supergem, combining grade 10 regular pure O reduces O by about 10% of current spec per gem added...