I think something may be wrong with all of Armor Games. The main site works fine, but when I try to play something, it sends me to a blank screen with the name of the game in the url along with a bunch of numbers. For example, Rescunator=http://armorgames.com/play/15910/rescuenator, Artillerize=http://armorgames.com/play/15853/artillerize. Help? I'm on an oldish dell laptop that I have used to access games countless times before. If there's something wrong with it, tell me.
yes your MMO games are down again this happened before when they forgot to renew licenses, This may be the issue again. I was logged in fine then left an mmo and couldnt relog.
The MMO Games that I play, Dawn of the Dragons and The Last Stand: Dead Zone, flash and software are all up to date, I get a page cannot be displayed where the game should be. I tried another MMO Game some little battle one that was on the front page and that worked fine, but the two I actually play won't open. What's going on AG?
A part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) was having some issues with their server infrastructure on the weekend. A lot of MMOs use AWS to host their games, and so they were offline while AWS was being repaired.
They should be up soon (some are already back up, like Legacy).