Brave Forumnauts of Armor Games, it is up to you to rescue the Forum Games from complete destruction. Experiments involving nefarious porpoises went awry and opened up a rift in the fabric of spacetime completely localized to the Forum Games forum of Armor Games and do not include roleplays (RPs) or role-playing games (RPGs). Due to some weird safety bubble of apathy, the other forum games also appear to be unaffected and won't be affected at all, which makes this utterly stupid because there's no actual threat, but it's still up to you to close the Rift.
Please keep in mind:
1. This is one of the stupidest forum games you will play.
2. You have no idea what forum game you are playing.
3. Only by playing or guess the rules to the correct forum game may the Forumnauts continue.
4. Some of these forum games might not exist in our universe or timeline.
5. These are non-RP and non-RPG forum games.
6. Use OOC (out of character) if you have comments that aren't playing or guessing the forum game.
I will be keeping watch from my laboratory and try to solve the problem from my end. In the meantime, I will update you on your status.
(OOC. Taking that as a hint, I am guessing the game is pointless. I could be misinterpreting it though.) ThisisjustarandomguessandIdonotthinkitwillworkbutIamstillgoingtotry.
1. No vowel game. 2. Unfortunately, Fortunately 3. Tell an insane lie about the person above you. 4. Edit the quote. 5. ??? (Assuming his last post is supposed to be help)
So, what do these four games have in common? Frankly, I have no idea. However, to make one last guess before I sit down and really think about it, You can rise very quickly, but you always end up lying down