Did you ever play rock paper scissors as a child, but instead of choosing rock, paper, or scissors, you chose something powerful that would destroy whatever the other person was choosing (Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! GODZILLA!! GODZILLLA DESTROYS ROCK, PAPER, AND SCISSORS!!) Well now, I'm recreating that into a game.
Choose something to beat what ever the person above you chose. Be creative! Please don't choose rock, paper, or scissors.
I start, saying "fire".
other person says "water extinguishes fire!"
Next person says "erson drinks water!"
next person says "giant rabid Siberian Tiger mauls human!"
Germany wins the war hitler has nothing to worry about Hitler takes over the world gathers the best scintests Creates a Molucler combostion chamber throws it in the wormhole BOOM time travel defeated
(Yes but because of the time travel the Germans win, defeating the Germans aren't the problem it's defeating time travel, plus Hitler was just a regular soldier during WWI, he would be in now position to recruiting the greatest scientific minds.)
umm Black hole sucks up time travel ....... (one of the resons ww2 started is because germany wasnt happy with there loss with no loss hitler wouldnt be so unhappy)