ForumsGamesDecision: Medivial - Bugs, Glitches, and Quirks

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I really enjoyed playing through Decision: Medieval, but a few minor things I noticed that I couldn't help but share. Here are a few bugs, glitches, or otherwise odd game behaviors from the game Decision: Medieval

1.) One last Mop-up Bug (?)
Alright, after looking a bit more closely at the data, I think this number is your threat percentage change per day. So having a fully upgraded mine, but no tower and no guards, means the percentage will be really high. But having a fully upgraded tower, and guards will make the percentage lower or even negative, however I'm not certain if a negative percentage actually lowers the threat amount at days end or just keeps the threat from increasing.

But it stills seems to be a glitch when the game displays -10% threat change after fully securing the area (full upgrades to the tower, guards, and mine and reducing the threat level to 0%) as normally secured areas will no longer display the threat change percentage. Also a normally secured area will not allow you to enter the fairgrounds in Mop-up mode as there is no longer a threat of enemies to mop-up.

The gross total threat is the number in the green box, the net total threat (amount of actual threat in the area after taking into account towers and guards) is the number shown that is underlined. It appears that you can secure an area with, but still have 10% gross total threat. This means your towers and guards reduce the threat even further, hence why the -10% net total threat will show. You can also enter the Fairgrounds in Mop-up mode (the green circle). You can probably do the additional Mop-up because the gross total threat is still above 0%.

In the bottom image you have a fully secured area that shows no net total threat and a total of 0% gross total threat for the area (the number in the green box). Also, you can not enter the Fairgrounds in Mop-up mode (the green circle).

(These are from my hard+ mode run.)

2.) Spin in Circles Glitch
It might only happen on my machine, but when I enter stability mode (hold the space bar), click rapidly to kill enemies, and the game is lagging, the camera will circle around my character, then move away from him to the point where he is off the screen. If I recall correctly this glitch even caused my webpage to scroll down.

3.) Stability III Missing Line Break Bug
Where the Stability III ability says, "Cooldown of all Skills -50%" it is the same line as "Knocback resistance +60%". It looks like there is room for the Cooldown line to fit on the line below and would make more sense there.

4.) Tyrant Warplate Armor Speed Conundrum
For all the descriptions of the Tyrant Warplate Armor it says, "Armor reduces the damage of incoming attacks but also reduces movement speed." yet the armor shows "Speed: +5%" (speed plus five percent). The other armors slow you down and show a negative symbol in font of the percentage for speed. So does the Tyrant Warplate Armor slow you down or speed you up?

5.) Armor Overload
This might not be a bug as there may be a "minimum damage you must take" programmed into the game code or the armor percentages don't stack the way I'm thinking, but if you have the fully upgraded Legionarie's Plate Armor with full experience and you have the fully upgraded Stability ability, you should have 110% armor when you enter stability mode (hold the space bar). This is obviously not the case as you still take damage when using the Stability ability.

60% +20% + 30% = 110%
100% Damage reduction = No damage
110% Damage reduction = My character is healed from enemy damage?

6.) Faulty Submit Score Button
This may just be me, this may be a temporary problem, or this may be something that was not intended to be implemented on Armor Games, but the Submit Score button does not do anything. (I was using Firefox version 29.01, Windows 7, I should have the most current Adobe Flash version 13,0,0,214)

In conclusion, this are all minor problems and they barely, if at all, effect the gameplay. It would be great if some of these were fixed or if I could get a clarification on some of them (like the armor percentages). But all-in-all I really enjoy playing this game and Decision 2 as well.

If anyone else has noticed a glitch, feel free to post it here as well.

7.) Double Taunt Gltich

If you press the taunt key fast enough, when taunt is fully charged your character will release two taunts, one quickly after the other. I don't believe the effect is any different than one single taunt, but it is something I noticed.

8.) Forced to Move in One Direction or Stuck in One Spot for Awhile Glitch

On levels where you must bring workers to the tower you may sometimes experience this glitch. The glitch happens right after the workers enter the tower and after you select which weapon to build. Your character become stuck in one place for awhile (any keypress or mouse click will have no effect), but eventually you will regain control. But even worse, sometimes your character will be forced to move in one direction and one direction only and it's not a direction of your choosing. You cannot override the direction you are moving, you can jump in other direction, but as soon as you land you will start moving toward the direction you were before. Both of these glitches are frustrating, if you are stuck in one spot for awhile enemies can get in free hits on you or the tower. If you start moving in a random direction, you will most liking move away from the tower and then fail the mission as enemies will be able to attack the tower freely.

My guess as to why these glitches occur is this. If you are holding a directional key (key down event) when the tower weapon selection screen appears the game will never register that you let go of that directional key (key up event) after you have chosen your weapon, hence the game thinks you are still pressing a directional key and you are forced to move in that direction. I believe you stand still for awhile on some other occurrences of this glitch because there may be a fail safe for the move in one direction glitch where user control is temporarily taken away. However, neither thing fixes the problem completely. This is my guess though, something completely differently could be happening.

9.) Super Long Leap

The Quick Leap ability's range is only limited by how far you can move your mouse from your character.
A player can also leap off of watchtowers. When a player is on a watch tower he can move his cursor much further away from his character. This means you can aim your Quick Leaps for super long distances when jumping off of Watchtowers.

Additionally, I don't believe this is a glitch but you can leap over areas you cannot walk on (unpathable tiles, like crates fences, trees, etc.). However, you do have to click on an area that you can walk on normally when aiming where to leap. if you are on one side of a watch tower, you can aim your leap to jump over the watchtower to the other side.

10.) There is No Hard++

If you beat the game once you can start over on a harder difficulty. I beat the game the first time on hard and started over. If you go to the achievements screen you will see your difficulty. When you start over (after beating the game once on hard) the game will show Hard+. I beat the game a second time on hard+, I then restarted and went to the achievement screen. The game still showed the difficulty as Hard+.

  • 6 Replies
504 posts

Some thoughts to help:

1) If I remember right, this is standard in all the decision games. You always have to do a mop-up, even if the thread is 0%.

2) I also get lag/key smashing issues in the game sometimes. I just try to play on my fastest machine and I try to minimize keystrokes.

3) There are a bunch of little formatting typos like this.

4) This seems right to me. The whole point of this armor is to be the best in the game. To do that, it magically speeds you up a little while offering great protection.

5) This is probably be 30% on top of 80%, which would mean a net reduction of 86%

3,174 posts

1) If I remember right, this is standard in all the decision games. You always have to do a mop-up, even if the thread is 0%.

I think I figured this one out, I made an edit to the original post.

5) This is probably be 30% on top of 80%, which would mean a net reduction of 86%

Yes! This is what I was thinking about but somehow forgot lol. I knew that percent of total plus percent of remaining total did add up the same as percent, plus percent, then taking the new percent of the whole total.

Anyway, thank you. :]

618 posts

I found a glitch. I can go through the side walls and into the shadow, and use it to cut around to different parts of the map without actually travelling on the map itself.

You just have to blast the side where some shadow boundary is. Like it's near a castle wall etc.

One time I was even able to walk through after blasting the wall.

But lately I just hit the Leap to jump over the boundary. I hit the F-key, when an enemy is between me and the shadow, and I put have to put the cursor on the shadow part. I can't get stuck in the shadow but I can be followed, just not be touched. The werewolves can jump into the shadow but they can't move once they get in.

I can use the shadow for short-cuts. The first time I just kept going straight up through lots of black screen and out again by the tavern which would have been blocked normally causing me to make a long S-path all around. Anyways, there was an enemy there and while I was still in the shadow I hit the F-Key toward it and leaped out of the shadow and onto the map again.

So now I am just trying to figure out best how to use it.

When I first noticed it, was when I captured a troll. I went near my tower which was fully-upgraded and somehow I went behind the door and the troll followed me, we disappeared. I finally made it out, but my troll was still stuck. He finally found the door and banged on it till it went down and then he made his exit, lol!

3,174 posts


Interesting stuff.

Also, I have updated the original post with some more information on the -10% threat.

3,174 posts

I know there isn't much activity in this thread, but I have added four more entries to the original post.

504 posts

oops, wrong place

Showing 1-6 of 6