Wasn't it announced in 2011 or something? What happened to this Project? I can't seem to find any official information regarding this ... what's the current situation?
You are right smack in the middle of it! Back in 2011 they tested a site-wide flip version of Armor Games, but not long after they decided to install features one at a time and slowly transform the website into a newer one for the future.
Personally I think this was a great idea, business wise... this way they can put all their resources into the new features that are picked, tested and implemented, rather than having to double up on manpower to oversee all the changes done at once! =)
Would have been better though if they had started rolling out AG3 sooner if they were going to do it this way. Nothing really design related except for the heaer has changed. So imao AG looks old.
Would have been better though if they had started rolling out AG3 sooner if they were going to do it this way.
Now first off, i havent been here long enough to REALLY know bout AGv3, but from what i heard, this way is MUCH better. I hate seeing when a is pushed out, then hundreds of thousand of bugs, glitches and other things that could possibly make things impossible to do. I like slow when updates are in the picture
(I STILL dont like Disqus though. Its still a really foreign commenting system. Not one like ive EVER seen)
LOL Real slow. It's only been like 3-4 years since the last release date went by. In all honesty and reality, it technically should have only taken about 6-8 months to do it slowly and efficiently.