Just writing in to report that the Astroflux account associated with my login appears to have been completely deleted. It only lets me start over from scratch and not continue the previous progress.
The page looks fine to me. There is a flag button for flagging the game, and there is a heart button for "Add to faves".
I normally use Firefox, but I followed the suggestion and tried it on Internet Explorer as well. Can't get it to load at all on IE (I don't normally use IE).
@Erile Good information, your testing our new game page that we launched. You're the second person to say they have lost a save game. Do you have any sort of plugins on FireFox? If so, could you list them for me. Sorry your save game vanished.
Extra information that may or may not be helpful. The save I lost originated on a different computer than the one I am on now. I first inquired on the comments page to make sure the game was based off of an online save as opposed to a local one.