Hobby Lobby does identify itself as a Christian company who identifies life as starting with conception.
Good for them. Their employees, however, may not.
I have always believed that private companies should be allowed to identify themselves under a particular religion,
And identify themselves they can.
and conform to that religion's spiritual beliefs and practices
They cannot force those who do not follow their religion to conform. If they are not going to hire only Christians who have their same beliefs, they cannot discriminate against their employees. Funnily, we don't allow selective hiring based on religion, ethnicity, nationality, or whatever, for extremely similar reasons.
(such as not being open on Sunday.)
That is a business decision, related to the business. The business owners are entitled to make decisions about how they want to run their business. They are not entitled to make decisions about how their employees live their lives.
To my knowledge, they're not stopping ALL birth control,
Nah. They just invest in that exact same type of birth control they don't want to provide to their employees.
Don't like the ruling? don't shop at or work for that company
That's really beside the point. A business is not a person. Corporations do not have religious beliefs. The CEOs are not forced to use birth control if they do not want to. They do not get to make that choice for those they employ.
I don't see why this company should have to pay for some liberal woman's irresponsible sexual behavior.
1) Not only liberal women have sex.
2) Using birth control is the opposite of irresponsible.
3) As a business, they have an obligation towards their employees.
And if the company's beliefs are pro life, they shouldn't be forced to support abortion.
They don't have to.
I thought the motto was government (or who ever else) stay out of my bedroom. Hypocrisy.
The amount of irony in this statement is over 9000.
I do respect and honor other peoples' beliefs and I will defend them to the death.
I respect people's right to believe whatever they want. I do not respect their baseless beliefs which are subject to criticism like any other idea and do not respect their attempts at forcing everyone else to conform to their beliefs.
That statement is a contradiction, as I am pretty sure that, by definition, is what a **** is.
1) There's nothing wrong with casual sex.
2) I'm not sure what definition other people are using, but in my mind, a **** is someone who has sex for favors/benefits instead of money.
The reasoning behind the ban on the emergency contraceptives is because it goes against their stance on abortion.
So because they don't believe in something, they get to force that belief on others. Yet it's discrimination against THEM? Bull****.
Also, do you know how bad chemically and psychologically emergency contraceptives mess you up?
They don't. Emergency contraception/abortion are some of the safest medical treatments out there.
telling them that they have to provide these emergency contraceptives, no matter what their spiritual beliefs?
Their religion isn't law. The law also says that employers must provide healthcare to their employees. No one is forcing those who do not want to use it to use it. The ones discriminating and forcing their beliefs on others are the ones trying to deny others that choice by citing their beliefs.
the company is.
And who's working for the company so that company has profits? Oh wait, the employee is!
Companies aren't some magical benevolent entities that provides for those that happen to reside in its business location. Employees make the company what it is. A company is a name. It isn't a person. It isn't an entity. It cannot have beliefs and shouldn't have the rights of a person.