Also here is a link for the (free) GURPs lite booklet, it's only 32 pages and has all the basics you need, you don't even need an account, just an email
First thing's first, here is the Character Sheet
You will have 85 points total (you start at 0, and "buy" things which add to it) and a maximum of -35 in disadvantages and quirks.
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Weight Total:
Encumbrance with all gear:
Character Notes:
When you copy the sheet you will (hopefully) have your copy of GURPs lite. the first step is to spend points on basic attributes and secondary characteristics. For basic attributes your limit is a top of 14, and a low of 7, nothing above or below that. For secondary characteristics there isn't a limit within reason. If for whatever reason you don't have your copy of GURPs lite consult me but here is the basic gist of it:
Basic Attributes
Strength (ST) +/- 10 pts per level (subtract points if you take away a level, add points if you increase)
Dexterity (DX) +/- 20 pts per level
Intelligence (HQ) +/- 20pts per level
Health (HT) +/- 10 points per level
Secondary Characteristics
Hitpoints (HP) +/- 2 pts per +/-1 HP (Base is same as strength [i.e. 13 ST is 13 HP])
Will +/- 5 pts per +/-1 Will (base is same as IQ)
Perception (Per) +/- 5 pts per +/-1 Per (Base is same as IQ)
Fatigue Points (FP) +/- 3 pts per +/-1 FP (Base is same as HT)
Total: -------- Hand Weapons: Ranged Weapons: Armor&Possessions:
Weight Total: Encumbrance with all gear: Cost: Remaining:
That is a total of 88 my friend, plus you still need points for skills, otherwise you'd be a pretty useless soldier. Also list what specific code of honor you have
yeah you have 18 points left, now pick skills or more disadvantages. Also i suggest you lose catfall and take combat reflexes.
Next is skills to buy, there is a small chart to tell how much it costs, for every skill, to learn it it only costs one point, then it gets harder depending on the skill difficulty. Please again use discretion, obviously you won't know computer programming or karate
I also suggest getting the Shield skill, since that was literally the most important piece of armor for every soldier who had one. more important than a helmet and torso armor
a major vow is 10 points, but not talking is sort did you join up with the army? If you can come up with a good story in Character notes i guess it can work.
a pen and notebook huh? you got that from the future? plus i think sign language costs points. Also carrying around a wooden pen, a vial of ink and a set of scrolls sounds...bulky.
Sign language costs 3 points to learn at "native" comprehension