. It happens only with Kingdom Rush, with Firefox. Login and online saves won't work. . Flahsplayer is up to date. Cleaning the cache within Firefox options didn't solve the issue. . I'm using Windows XP Pro, SP 3. . Chrome doesn't have this problem. . However, I'm not inclined to use it (reasons below). . I used to use just Chrome but a month or so ago AG and every game became unexpectedly cumbersome. I had frequent load game freezes, flashplayer crashes and halt to blue screens. I tried reinstalling flashplayer, Java, Chrome, to no avail. . In sum, Firefox's problem is login and online saves with Kingdom Rush. Chrome's problem is being cumbersome/unstable.
@Sylvan_Surfer I'm not sure what @Boppins thinks, but the fact that it works fine in Chrome tells me it may be an issue with your browser. Try a "Privacy" window in FireFox, and see if that will work for you. Personally, I've had a lot of issues with FireFox myself lately.
@letgodsortthem The same reason mentioned earlier. If it works in Incognito, it's a browser add-on that's likely the culprit. You can try disabling all your ad-ons, likely it something about privacy, firewalls, tracking and the like.
GUYS PLS HELP ME !!! ok fine i said that a guy sucks because he wrote bad stuff and i saw that my account comment got removed.Now i can't log in my account for 6 days![i]
@Helpme39: If you break the site rules, you may get temp-banned, meaning you cannot log into your account for the duration of the ban. The mod/admin who temp-bans an account is supposed to explain why the account is temp-banned.