ForumsGamesGC CS Performance Inquery

3 1876
23 posts

By the sounds of it people experience some heavy lag, especially once to the point of manafarming using the freeze spell and having thousands of monsters on the map.

I am not that far yet, however not too far off, and I have an issue.

I use a gaming laptop that can handle Titan Fall on medium graphics with 80 fps. Whenever I have an apperation or spectre or shadow or spire I drop my "death gem" down to rid myself of the annoyances. However, when I do this (with no more than a few waves enraged with g30) the web browser freezes up real bad. Just now (only at wave 233ish) the screen went white and it ALMOST didn't come back to my game. All because the tower attacked.

I've turned all the settings as low as possible. Any ideas on how to improve performance? I don't want to even see how it will be once I have thousands of enemies on the map...


  • 3 Replies
268 posts

Do not use the gem targeting setting "Flying Ones, Spires, Carrying Orblets, Highest Banishment Cost".

Keep it on any of the rest (Highest Armor, Least Hitpoints, Nearest to Orb, Swarmlings, Giants, Structures, Random). Then just manually target the flier/spire/whatever to force the tower to shoot it.

I don't know why but that particular setting can cause some serious lag.

636 posts

You could try zooming out the browser. *shrugs*. might buy you 1-2 fps.

23 posts

Astro- You pegged it. I was using that because when I don't, in a half a second, it clears the whole map. I keep forgetting to wait to upgrade my kill trap and death gem until it's ACTUALLY needed cuz I fear falling behind on my offense. I'll start working on that better haha.

frac- in past tower defenses I have played that's worked, or minimizing the browser, but it didn't help at all for this but thanks lol

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