I have noticed a large number of (Battle of the ) Threads so here is my amusing iteration. Basicly just two random items are picked for no particular reason and you vote on which one would win in whatever situation for whatever reason.
First Battle Sears Tower vs Mocha Latte Sorry I couldn't get the images to work if any body could take care of that for me thanks. Anyway I would say that even though Sears Tower is WAY taller and more resistant to weather, the Mocha tastes better and the manufacturing costs are much lower. I know it doesn't make sense......just.....just go with it.
First of all, how are the two even remotely related to each other? Anyway, I will vote for the mocha latte because one, it's cheaper to own than the Sears Tower, and second, you can't eat a skyscraper.
Maybe a four year old did make it up who cares?! There could be a battle between anything and that's what this is. There is virtually no point accept to make pointless and blatently obvious comparisons between two entirely unrelated things to see which one is generally more liked. Just saying I'm pretty sure Mocha wins this though. Who cares about Sears tower?
If you made this thread with the intention of stopping the incessant cluttering that these ever continuous viruses are making then maybe this thread would have potential..
I'm just going to try making this thread again at a later date once I've figuired out the images and I have better internet connection, but for now Mocha Latte wins.
I don't really think this would hold up as a thread, to be brutally honest. You can't really obtain here what most others battle threads have, which is that they take two very similar things, and that makes for interesting debate. I would just come up with another niche category and use that.
Ok lemme see if I got the hang of the images. Meerkats id=1.9&rs=0&=0" alt="http://http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608050670782317689&w=300&h=300&c=0&id=1.9&rs=0&=0" />