It seems that recently, there has been some problems with online save files, as reported in numerous threads. So far, the reported games affected are King of Tower, Raze 3 and Kingdom Rush Frontiers. So far King of Towers is the worst affected, and we have contacted the relevant developer team.
Normally, these can be fixed by a simple refresh, but if that doesn't work, then please report it below.
I have recently just been watching @Ferret and @UnleashedUponMankind work there *ahem* magic, and these are the most important points raised.
Ferret said:
Save games can glitch, it makes us angry too. Make sure though by clearing your cache or trying another browser, sometimes it just *looks* like the save game is gone but it's not. And if you make a new save game over where the old one was, it will be gone forever. It's usually less our save game system, and more the way the game handles our save game system. Unfortunately, this means each game may react differently and bug out differently. For the most part, Kingdom Rush games in general are very solid in this regards. Browser add-ons, security software, busted browsers or poor internet connections can corrupt files as well however.
UnleashedUponMankind said:
Maybe a simple site-refresh help here, i have rarely non loading/game stuck issues by myself but the majority would work again after a simple refresh. You could also try another browser and see if that may help. Afaik raze 3 use AGs online save system, so mabe our save system act a lil bit weird, if that´s the case just try again later^^
Whatever is happening, we hope it will be sorted here, but for now, please consolidate all reports and queries under this forum.
@Seashark001 Sorry bud, can't let you start a support thread. These are all separate issues, and shouldn't be tied together. King of Towers has it's own thread, and it's an MMO and thus very different. I've not heard of any Raze 3 save game issues.
But you are correct, do not attempt a save game file in the instance where a save game doesn't come up.