I have a save at Cursed Treasure 2 (my rank is 30 or 40 i dont remember exactly). And now when i try to login in CT 2 i have this error: Sorry but the Armor Games Services are temporarily unavailable. Please try again soon. (Error 1). But i can reach my other saves at the other games. How can i solve this? Thank you Kind Regards
Hell-O @tikifiki, sometimes our online,save,system act a lil bit weird... luckily this happen rarely^^
Your options:
- refresh the page (in case it is nothing more than a lil issue, works sometimes)
- delete your browsers cache (helps with several problems, nut sure if it works here, but still worth a try, if you ask "how to?", google it, depends on the browser you use)
- try the incognito/privacy mode of your browser and see if that change anything
- try another browser
- if all of this wont work... well, check again later
@tikifiki I've had this error myself, the only way I could fix it was by re-installing the browser. You can, alternatively, use another browser as well on the same machine. Could you test those suggestions out and let me know if it resolved the problem? If it doesn't, be sure to @Ferret me so I get notified.