ForumsQuests[Official] Armor Games Website Quests [Updated 10/13/2015]

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9,323 posts

We're growing a collection of website quests that you can earn by discovering parts of the site! These are a feature still in development as we go, so fair warning there may be some strangeness. If they don't show on your profile, give them 24-48 hours before contacting @MrDayCee and letting him know what's wrong.

NOTE: Website Quests can't currently activate on Game Pages or the Front Page. You'll need to visit your profile, quest page, friends page or an active forum page to get them to properly activate.
Rate a game.
Hardness: Easy
Armatar Exchange
Pick a new Armatar.
Hardness: Easy
Game Lover
Favorite a game on the website.
Hardness: Easy
Post a comment on our forums. Please do not spam our forums, try to add to a discussion!
Hardness: Easy
Talk About Stuff
Post a comment on a game page, news article or user profile.
Hardness: Easy
Add a new friend on Armor Games!
Hardness: Easy
Random Game
Play a random game on our site by clicking the Random Game button that looks like a .
Hardness: Easy
Birthday Time
Celebrate the Armor Games birthday by playing one of our games. Also, eat cake!
Hardness: Easy
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Play ANY Game On Talk Like A Pirate Day! ARRRR!!
Hardness: Medium
Play a Scary or Halloween game on Halloween. Trick or treat!
Hardness: Medium
You created a walkthrough for a game on Armor Games!
Hardness: Insane
Note: Any user that makes a high quality walkthrough on Armor Games may receive this quest. You may notify a moderator after completing your walkthrough to obtain the quest. If the walkthrough is not deemed high enough quality you will not receive the quest, but you can improve your walkthrough and ask again. (The mod @Reton8 is involved with the walkthroughs, ask him for the quest for a quick response.)
Bug Killer
You helped kill a bug. Nice work!
Hardness: Insane
Note: This Quest is a very special one, gifted by Admins such as @Ferret or @Boppins if we feel that you've helped us fix a site-breaking or game-breaking bug on Armor Games.
Count to 100
Participate and successfully "Count to 100" in our forum.
Hardness: Insane
Note: Counting to 100 sounds easy, but the moderators are out to stop the users from successfully make it to 100 without mistakes. It's not impossible, but very difficult. Read the rules on the first page to get started.
Knight's Blessing
You have been blessed by a Knight. You are truly worthy!
Hardness: Insane
Note: This Quest is gifted by Knights only. It is only awarded to those that are recognized for making an exceptional contribution or effort on Armor Games. The reasons for receiving this great honor can be a wide variety of actions and are decided by the Knights to what they deem worthy of their blessing.

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