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against my better judgment I clicked on shadow bound out of boredom. oh look another piece of garbage by R2 games designed to milk cash from parents wallets yet gain.

AG do you even read the comments people leave on games once you add them to the site? every R2 game gets nothing but horrible comments. real gamers are sick of the blatant P2W business module that R2 uses.

please stop with these junk F2P P2W zero play steaming piles of $&!#. sure there are other devs doing it too but R2 is by far one of if not the biggest offender.

I would love to see the micro transaction format drummed out of the gaming community and a good place to start is with the biggest offenders.

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56 posts

Certain games do F2P right, R2games however...

But Armorgames isn't going to do anything. Thanks to whatever contract they signed, they'd probably get into trouble if they backed out by kicking R2's games off. Doesnt' matter that they are complete messes of games that lie cheat and steal. Contract is in place so AG may as well get all the money that they can from this.

So look forward to Armor2games.

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