This one took way too long to get out; my PC died right after finishing this, and I couldn't get a new PC for 3 months, so this run isn't as impressive now as might have been then. But, I still feel it's prudent to present this lost chapter since it ranks near the best beaten endurances in terms of sheer gem grade.
I picked W5 because it had room for four traps and a gem enhancement shrine, which I used to boost black and yellow to:
In retrospect, I should have used only yellow, since that was found to be the best way to get the most damage.
Also, this run marked the switch from amp+1 to amp-3, since I could no longer ignore the 50% increase in power the 'optimal' setup gives over the old amp+1 doctrine.
I made a mistake in calculating the rough cost equivalence when speccing my starter gem and amps, so I was one grade lower than I should have been, so I started upgrading all the traps and the amps.
Mana gain was painfully slow, so this is where I stopped:
My 128-spec damage-enhanced killgem looked like this:
The process was 10x 4096(killgem) --> 2x U for the killgem, and 11x 4096(killgem) --> 1x 32c(killgem).
At first, I thought my killgem would falter around wave 920, and then I would just end the endurance there and collect my XP. I miscalculated.
I felt pity for that last wave, so I enraged it.
That move nearly cost me my run, since I didn't bother to check that -
1). The monsters healed on death.
2). They were quasi-spires.
I pulled out the trusty Gem of Eternity and cast it as fast as it could recharge, and slowly, but surely, the monsters died.
The proof of the beaten endurance:
I didn't do beacon farming, since I didn't want to spend another day farming beacon XP, since my run lasted 5 days (Jan 16-21) and my PC was very close to its last breath.
As a reward for reading this far, here's the entire album.